Rivers Workshop in Year 2 2024
Emma from West Cumbria Rivers Trust came into Year 2 to deliver a rivers workshop as part of their science unit of work. The children found out which animals and plants live in their local river and at Longlands Lake. They worked together to create a river habitat and used branching databases to…
Electricity Workshop Y6 2024
Year 6 enjoyed enhancing their knowledge about electricity during their workshop from Electricity Northwest. They got involved in lots of practical activities and tested their own own theories about electricity.
Making Mixtures and Solutions in Year 5
Year 5 have been learning about mixtures and solutions in science. They discovered that when a mixture chemically combines it becomes a solution. They found out that when salt and water are mixed together they become a solution but oil and water didn’t. They used the terms solute, solvent and…
Observation Skills in Science 2024
Year 2’s first science lesson of the new school year focused on observation skills. The children used their senses to observe and describe a collection of rocks and shells in class, before going outdoors to explore and closely observe plants and animals in the school grounds. The children were…
STEM Ambassadors Visit Y5
Today two Sellafield apprentices came in to tell us all about their jobs. We learnt about what happens at Sellafield and how STEM subjects are important in their roles. We got to ask them lots of questions and enjoyed playing a matching game about alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Well done to the…
Finding out about how seeds grow in Y2
Year 2 are learning about plants in their science lessons. They have been finding out what germination is and how seeds grow. They worked together to label germination and growth from a seed to a seedling. Afterwards they planted some sunflowers seeds and gave them different conditions to grow in…
Bees in the Trees Workshop with Year 2
This morning Bees in the Trees came to visit all the Infant classes. The children learned all about the life cycle of a bee and the different roles each type of bee plays in the beehive. Everyone had the chance to observe the bees up close at work in the beehive as well as handling some of the…
Buzzing About Bees in Year 1
There was definitely a buzz in Year 1 today with a fantastic visit from ‘Bees in the Trees’. Year 1 were amazed to get up close to the hive and observe the worker bees. They found out about the different roles bees play within the hive as they work together. Male bees in the hive are called…
Bees in the trees EYFS
We had a visit from ‘Bees in the trees’ for Reception and Nursery. The beekeeper taught us all about drone bees, worker bees and the queen bee. The children learnt all about larva and pupa and how the eggs develop. We then looked at what bees eat and the children got close up view of the bees.
Year 3 Growing and babies
Year 3 have been thinking about growing up, babies and parents. They played a matching game to match the baby animals to their parents. They discussed what all babies need from their parents, whether they are animals or humans. The children reflected on their own growth journey and how they still…
Grow grow grow
As part of our topic this half term of, ‘grow, grow, grow’, we have been learning about different seeds. The children have created their own houses and we planted grass and wild flower seeds to grow in the garden. They have already started to grow too.
Wild About Wildlife in Year 1
Year 1 had a fantastic day visiting The Lake District Wildlife Park in Bassenthwaite. They were given a workshop by Lucy to learn about animal classification and conservation. Then there was time to explore the different animal enclosures around the park. Particular favourites were the lemurs,…