Welcome to St Bridget's Catholic Primary School and Nursery 

Welcome to St Bridget’s Catholic Primary and Nursery. We are a warm, welcoming school where every child is at the heart of everything we do.  We aim to nurture and nourish all children with the learning and skills they need to develop into kind, caring and compassionate people of the future.

We pride ourselves on our strong ethos and values, such as love, respect and honesty, which underpin everything we do. We teach our children to know and love God and share His love with others. While we are a Catholic school, we also welcome children of all faiths, traditions and cultures, as many of our children are not baptised as Catholic. 

We promise to give our children an excellent education. Our educational philosophy is based on the provision of excellent teaching and learning opportunities with a view to developing the whole person so that we prepare our children to be good Christian citizens in the wider community.

All staff at St. Bridget’s are highly experienced and, luckily for us, have worked in our school for many years. They understand the different complexities and needs of our children and adapt accordingly so every child is loved and valued.

The behaviour in our school is exemplary and children are taught to understand how to show respect to others and compassion to those more vulnerable.

A strong partnership between home and school is an invaluable union which we hope to forge throughout your child’s time at our school. We offer many opportunities for parents to come into school to get involved, from parent afternoons in Reception to whole school parent workshops.

We offer not only an education for your children but other exciting opportunities for them to build life skills. Children will go on class trips, key stage trips, residentials and have the chance to experience shows, workshops and sporting events such as tag rugby, football, netball, hockey and cross country.

We also provide wraparound care to allow for times when parents need to drop their children off at school early or need them to stay after school. Breakfast club runs from 7am and afterschool club is available until 5:15pm.

We value feedback from our parents and always strive to solve any problems as soon as possible.

I look forward to us growing together with your children in creating a happy, stimulating and memorable time at St. Bridget’s.

Suzanne Smith

Executive Headteacher


Learning to Love, Pray and Grow Together as a Community in the Light of Jesus Christ