Fun at the Farm
Year 1 had a fantastic day visiting Strudda Bank Farm as a part of British Science weeks. The children loved learning about life on the farm. They found out about all the crops that are grown and how the farm reuses it’s resources and keeps waste down. They loved meeting some new born lambs and…
Year 1 Take Part in the Biggest Ever Football Session
Today Year 1 enjoyed taking part in the biggest ever football session. It was great fun practising football skills together. Year 1 enjoyed finishing off with a penalty shootout.
Y1 World Book Day Shared Family Read
Today Year 1 celebrated World Book Day by inviting our families in for story time. After enjoying a whole class story everyone shared books together. It was amazing to see everyone reading for pleasure. Thank you to all our families for coming to join us.
Rainbow Wraps
The Year 1 chefs have been busy creating some tasty ‘Rainbow Wraps’. They learnt to peel and grate carrots, courgettes and apple. They found out why colourful natural foods can be healthier. Year 1 found out that ‘ribboning’ means to slice food such as vegetables into long, thin strips. It was…
Year 1 Gymnastics
Year 1 have enjoyed their sessions with our fantastic gymnastics coach Natalie. They have learned many different stretches, balances, jumps and landings. They have all showed determination and enthusiasm in their learning.
Year 1 Children’s Mental Health Week
As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, Year 1 have incorporated some mindfulness moments into their day. They took part in some ‘Rainbow Breathing’. Year 1 described feeling calm and relaxed after the breathing exercises. This is definitely something that can be used everyday to help everyone’s…
NSPCC Number Day in Year 1
Year 1 enjoyed celebrating Number Day by inviting Year 6 to play maths games with them. Everyone worked well together and had lots of fun. Year 6 were wonderful at supporting when needed. It was great to see all the maths being used.
St. Bridget’s Day Acts of Kindness
Today Year 1 celebrated St.Bridget’s Day by making cards to give out to people in the community. Year 1 families kindly donated biscuits to give out as acts of kindness. They visited Calderwood House, Westcroft Surgery, Knoxwood Charity Shop, Lowes Court Gallery, The Foodbank, a market trader and…
Year 1 Keswick Museum trip
We had the most amazing trip to Keswick Museum. The children’s behaviour was outstanding and they made us really proud showing off all they have already learnt about fossils. We learnt all about the history of the local area and how the landscape has changed. We found out about how important…
Year 1 and Year 2 Multiskills Event January 2025
Some of our Year 1 and 2 children represented us at a Multiskills event at Whitehaven Academy yesterday. They took part in a variety of activities. They behaved impeccably and showed all the values of school games. We are immensely proud of them all.
Design & Technology - Building towers
Year One had a fantastic time building towers from their own tower designs. They used the new joining skills they have learned and made sure they had a wide base for stability. Well done to our excellent Year One architects.
African Drumming in Year 1
Year 1 had a fantastic time learning about African Drumming with Zozo. They learnt that the drum is called ‘djembe’ and how to tap it correctly. Year 1 loved learning the song ‘Ranky Tank’ and listening to Zozo’s stories. Everyone is looking forward to the next lesson.