Welcome to St. Bridget's Year 6
Our Year 6 children are taught by Miss Mancebo who is supported by Ms McAlone (Teaching Assistant).
Here you will be able to keep up to date with what we do in our class and during our school day. You can browse our gallery, read our class blogs or have a look at our curriculum.
Curriculum - Year 6
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Year 6 SATs Week 9th May - 12th May 2023
Related Blog Posts
Kicky Rounders
The Year 5 and 6 representatives had a fantastic time at Kicky Rounders today. They loved competing against other schools and aiming to make it all the way around the pitch to score a rounder. To wrap up the day, the students enjoyed an exciting game against the staff.
Swimming Gala 2025
The KS2 representatives had a fantastic time participating in the school's Gala at Copeland Pool. They competed in a range of races, including 25m and 50m events in breaststroke, backstroke, crawl, and butterfly, as well as relays and an underwater race. Some even showcased their skills with a fun…
Science Engineering Week Y6 2025
For Science Engineers Week, Year 6 with tasked with solving the problem of how Jack (from the fairytale Jack and the Beanstalk) could safely get the golden egg from the top of the beanstalk to the bottom. They were all given a set of resources and planned how they would build a contraption that…