Pupil Premium at St. Bridget’s Catholic Primary School

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is a sum of money given to schools each year by the Government to improve the attainment of disadvantaged children.

Who is eligible for Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is payable for each child who is currently entitled to free school meals or who has been entitled to free school meals at any time (however long or short that time may have been) during the last six years – known as “Ever 6”, for children who are looked after by the local authority and for children of service personnel.

How is Pupil Premium spent?

Schools are considered to be best placed to decide how to spend Pupil Premium.  However they are required to give a comprehensive report each year on how the money is allocated.  The money is spent in a variety of ways:

  • Extra classroom support
  • Pastoral and family support
  • Purchase of resources
  • Funding with expenses for trips and activities
  • Help with the cost of uniform
  • Help with paying for dinner money for those children who are no longer entitled to free school meals.
  • Help with breakfast or after school club costs
  • Intervention programmes for children who need additional support
  • Programmes and activities to “stretch” high achievers

Will my child be stigmatised as a “Pupil Premium Child”?

No!  No-one, apart from school staff, will know which children attract Pupil Premium funding.  At St. Bridget’s all children are treated equally and information is held in the strictest confidence.

My child has never received free school meals.  Will he/she be at a disadvantage?

Absolutely not! We ensure that all children receive the same advantages.  Often, Pupil Premium benefits all children, for example a TA employed with Pupil Premium money will work with groups of children whether or not they are Pupil Premium.  Resources will be available to non-Pupil Premium children.  Pastoral and family support is available to whoever needs it.

At St. Bridget’s we use Pupil Premium to ensure ALL children receive the best education and experiences.  You can read how we allocate Pupil Premium in our annual reports.

Pupil Premium

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P.E. and Sports Funding

St. Bridget’s Primary School recognises the contribution that PE and sport make to the health and well-being of pupils. We appreciate the importance of a broad, balanced, high quality curriculum along with extra-curricular activities in ensuring that pupils have positive attitudes and high standards of achievement. We aim to establish a sporting culture that enables and encourages all children to play and enjoy sport. We do this through our curriculum, the after-school clubs that we provide and by taking part in competitive sport at every opportunity. We ensure that all pupils receive a minimum of 2 hours per week, delivered by well trained and enthusiastic teachers and coaches. The Sports Premium Funding is allowing us to develop a sustainable improvement in teacher confidence and skills. Staff training opportunities are provided for teachers and senior teaching assistants and they have many opportunities to work alongside specialist coaches and teachers to observe excellent practice.

What is the School Sports Premium?

The government is providing additional funding to improve the provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. This funding is allocated directly to schools and can only be spent in this way. Schools have to use this funding to improve their provision of PE and sport but we have some freedom in deciding how we will do this. Possible uses for this funding include:

  • hiring specialist PE/sport teachers or qualified sports coaches to work alongside teachers when teaching PE/sport to improve their skills
  • providing existing staff with training and resources to help them teach PE/sport more effectively
  • providing cover to release teachers for professional development in PE/sport
  • introducing new sports or activities that will encourage more pupils to take up sport
  • running sport competitions or activities with other schools
  • providing places for pupils in after school sports clubs and holiday clubs
  • supporting and involving the least active pupils in accessing sport

We are committed to ensuring that all children benefit from the Sports Premium regardless of ability and that the most able children are given the opportunity to compete and access sporting facilities in the wider community. Over the academic year 2022-2023 we were allocated a total of £17,500. An overview of how this was spent last year and the resulting impact is detailed in the report below.

Sports Funding

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At St Bridget's we use our sports funding to provide all pupils with a range of different sporting opportunities. We work alongside coaches to plan and deliver high quality P.E. lessons. Children have the opportunity to access after-school clubs to help increase pupil participation in sporting activities as well as Phunky Fit which promotes leading a healthy lifestyle. These are also funded using the Sports Pupil Premium. Here are some of the opportunities we provide below: