Uxbridge High School - SMSC and British Values


We aim to develop a sense of society, tolerance and collaboration that tackles prejudice and promotes equality by integrating SMSC into the life of our school. We aim to teach children to make sense of the world we live in, how to interact positively with others, how to know themselves and the person they may become in the future. This will be done formally, through taught lessons, and informally; through providing activities and experiences and through the hidden curriculum/ ethos as displayed though the expectations, relationships and attitudes of everybody in school. We aim to instil a sense of pride in being part of the St. Bridget’s community and in the school as a building where all can learn and belong. Our learning environment is bright, relevant and well cared for. Our children feel safe and cared for. School council means the children have a say in changes that are made. Many visitors to our school comment on the positive ethos and welcoming atmosphere. We believe that the behaviour, manners and attitudes of our pupils is a real strength.


Spiritual Pupils’ spiritual development is shown by their:

  • beliefs, religious or otherwise, which inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s feelings and values
  • sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them, including the intangible
  • use of imagination and creativity in their learning
  • willingness to reflect on their experiences

Examples of how we promote spiritual development at St. Bridget’s:

  • Pupils are encouraged to be reflective during collective worship and in R.E, PSHE lessons and assemblies
  • The school follows the syllabus for R.E, as decided by the Diocese of Lancaster, which is supported by other curriculum areas such as art, science and geography and through visits to the local Church
  • The school has a supportive ethos where pupils can be individuals, develop respect and be respected and are provided with opportunities through assemblies and collective worship to explore specific strategies to support them with this
  • Celebration assemblies allow pupils to share achievements using music, images, drama and reflect on their and other pupil’s successes
  • Pupils take part in prayer and are helped to reflect on how bible stories are relevant to their lives today
  • Pupils visiting special places (Churches, Cathedrals, War Memorial)
  • We provide experiences that inspire awe and wonder
  • Children are encouraged and supported to make creative and imaginative responses to art and music
  • We celebrate talents to develop a sense of self
  • Develop a sense of values

Moral Pupils’ moral development is shown by their:

  • ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and their readiness to apply this understanding in their own lives
  • understanding the consequences of their actions
  • interest in investigating, and offering reasoned views about, moral and ethical issues

Examples of how we promote moral development at St. Bridget’s:

  • Policies and curriculum planning provide opportunities for children to explore questions of right and wrong and explore moral codes in their own and others’ cultures.
  • A robust behaviour policy which is adhered to by all staff. Children clearly understand what is expected from them and there is consistency across the school in terms of sanctions
  • Pupils regularly raise funds for related charities and understand what is happening in other parts of the world
  • Pupils feel comfortable to express their views and usually show good sportsmanship
  • Pupils participate in class council discussions and contribute to school improvement
  • School rules, rewards and sanctions clearly defined and understood
  • Staff and older children act as role models during everyday life
  • Teaching the difference between right and wrong
  • Discussion of outcomes and consequences of actions
  • Staff help pupils develop a ‘good moral compass’ and reward good behaviour and attitudes

Social Pupils’ social development is shown by their:

  • use of a range of social skills in different contexts, including working and socialising with pupils from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds
  • willingness to participate in a variety of social settings, including by volunteering, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively
  • interest in, and understanding of, the way communities and societies function at a variety of levels.

Examples of how we promote social development at St. Bridget’s:

  • New pupils adjust well to the school and are firmly accepted by their classmates
  • Nurture work with our ELSA allows children to reach the right place emotionally in order to learn effectively
  • A range of after-school clubs are offered
  • Residential trip is offered in Year 6
  • Staff trained in mental health awareness
  • Pupils join with other pupils from local schools to participate in sports contests and collaborate in teams to compete against other clusters of schools
  • Play Leaders in Year 6 develops a sense of responsibility
  • Circle time and social stories activities help children understand different social situations and acceptable behaviour and develop emotional intelligence
  • Summer fete involving the whole community
  • Mass with parishioners
  • Parent workshops
  • Links with local nurseries
  • Trips in the community
  • Visitors into school
  • Friendship discos
  • Links with local community – art gallery, pensioners' dinner, library


Pupils’ cultural development is shown by their:

  • understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage
  • willingness to participate in, and respond to, for example, artistic, musical, sporting, mathematical, technological, scientific and cultural opportunities
  • interest in exploring, understanding of, and respect for cultural diversity and the extent to which they understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity, as shown by their attitudes towards different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities.

Examples of how we promote cultural development at St. Bridget’s:

  • Help pupils appreciate their own cultures and traditions and those of others
  • Pupils enjoy participating in a range of cultural experiences and are keen to develop their knowledge of others’ way of life, however more could be done to challenge pre-conceived stereotypes and develop children’s knowledge of other places in the UK
  • Children participate in a range of drama; music and art activities linked to different cultures and reflect on their significance.
  • Through the curriculum and collective worship children learn about the traditions, challenges and experiences of people in less economically developed countries and show empathy and understanding.
  • Themed meal days, linked to topics, allow children to experience tastes linked to other parts of the world
  • Assemblies, PSHE and R.E lessons introduce the children to a range of cultures by looking at stories, festivals, traditions from a range of cultures so that they better understand the global communities in which we live
  • Our library contains a variety of story and text books about other cultures and countries
  • We sponsor a child who lives in Ghana

Involvement in Community

  • Visiting special places
  • New and exciting experiences
  • Involvement in community projects (Lowes Court Gallery, Market Hall, Castle, Litter picks, Foodbank)
  • Involvement in global/ charity events
  • Celebrating special events
  • Responding to and questioning community issues
  • Trips
  • Sporting events
  • Arts events
  • Performing in drama and dance
  • Memorial on Remembrance Day
  • Choral Speaking