Types of Art - A Brief Exploration of the Different Kinds of Art

Our Vision

At St Bridget’s we believe art is a means of communication which can help children to explore, understand, share and represent their environment. We want children to express their feelings and ideas by being creative and imaginative, while building on skills and knowledge. We aim to teach art in such an engaging way that it will promote ideas and expressiveness. In Years 1-6 we follow the CUSP scheme of work. 

Our Aims

  • To promote a balanced, inclusive, progressive curriculum with appropriate cross curriculum links.
  • For children to be able to experiment with colour, texture, patterns and materials.
  • To provide an inclusive education bearing in mind the particular needs of all pupils within the school.
  • For each child to be provided with opportunities and quality resources to be creative and express themselves through art.
  • For all children to be able to explore different artists, designers, cultural and historical art and be made aware of wider opportunities locally.

Our Curriculum

Early Years

Our children in the Early Years follow the Development Matters document where we ensure they have the opportunities and experiences to explore and use different media and materials. This is provided through art and craft activities as well as using their own ideas and expressing feelings.

Key Stage One 

While following the National Curriculum we ensure that children have the opportunities to generate ideas, make and evaluate their own art or craft work while using a wide range of materials and techniques. They build on their knowledge and skills while looking at different designers and artists and create their own sketches, paintings and sculptures. 

Key Stage Two 

Our children continue to develop their skills with techniques, designs and materials. They gain more control and explore their creativeness to express themselves in their art skills and knowledge. They gain a deeper understanding of artists and sculptures around the world and in history. They use a wider range of resources to sketch, paint and sculpt. 


To enrich the children’s learning we also have art theme days where children can further develop their skills of using different materials as well as gaining a greater understanding of artist's work and techniques. This includes special days such as Remembrance day. We celebrate children’s art through website blogs, on our social media, in classroom and school displays and also in local galleries such as the Railway Museum.

St Bridget’s Art Long Term plan

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Art- knowledge, skills and outcomes

Updated: 30/05/2023 250 KB