Learning to Love, Pray and Grow Together as a Community in the Light of Jesus Christ
- To foster the spiritual and moral development of the children within the context of the Catholic faith, whilst sustaining a respect and understanding of other faiths and beliefs.
- To promote the well-being and freedom of every person made in the image and likeness of God, and finding fulfilment in God alone.
- To educate the whole child to the very best that he or she is capable of, through a broad and balanced curriculum which recognises, values and enhances all talents.
- To provide a stimulating environment where positive learning takes place and where children can develop to their full potential.
- To provide a welcoming, caring and safe environment, where children can develop self-respect, a sense of individual worth and are able to co-operate with and show consideration to others.
- To foster independent learning and develop an awareness that children's personal skills can be used independently to shape their own choices and their future.
- To ensure the children appreciate the value of and essential equality between individuals, regardless of sex, race, culture or disadvantage.
- To develop links with home, involving parents in the life of the school and the Catholic education of their children.