Curriculum Introduction
St. Bridget’s Primary School provides a rich, broad, balanced and creative curriculum and believes that excellence in teaching leads to enjoyment of learning. We define the curriculum as everything that impacts on the learning of our pupils.
Our curriculum gives St. Bridget’s a distinct identity and ethos, reflecting our values, our place within the local community and an awareness of the wider world in which we live.
Above all, we aim to make our curriculum a hugely rich experience for all our pupils, laying the foundations for success in life.
High standards and exciting learning go hand in hand. Pupils have the opportunity to learn in a range of different ways – but all teaching and learning is of a high quality and is planned and managed so pupils are challenged and supported.
Pupils are engaged in learning that develops and stretches them and excites their imagination. Pupils enjoy learning different things and learning in different ways. They learn through play, out-of-doors, in traditional class settings from teachers, in small groups, through art, music and sport, from each other, before and after school, both formally and informally.
Nursery and Reception classes, in the Foundation Stage, follow a distinctive Early Years Curriculum.
The National Curriculum applies to pupils of compulsory school age and is taught from Year 1. It consists of core subjects: English, Mathematics, Science and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as well as Religious Education.
Foundation subjects including Geography, History, Art, Design Technology, Music and PE are also taught on a regular basis. As part of our school philosophy, we run a programme of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). In addition, children are given the opportunity to learn a Modern Foreign Language which we have chosen to be French.
It is our policy to entitle every member of our school to equal opportunities in accessing the full curriculum. Religious Education is taught in accordance with the Lancaster Diocese.
As children progress through the school, they are encouraged to supplement their learning with work done at home. Initially, this will take the form of regular reading at home and, by Year 6, may include regular homework in literacy and maths and occasional more in-depth research projects. Parents are kept informed about their children’s schoolwork through termly Class Dojo, Parents’ Evenings and regular letters outlining curriculum coverage.