Our Vision
Our vision for PE is to provide pupils with the opportunity to be creative, competitive and face up to different challenges as individuals and in groups and teams. It promotes positive attitudes towards a healthy and active lifestyle. Pupils learn how to think in different ways and make decisions in response to creative, competitive and challenging activities. They learn how to reflect on their performance, plan, perform and evaluate actions, ideas and performances to improve the quality of their work.
The development of PE at St. Bridget's Catholic Primary School has been significantly enhanced by the introduction of the Government's PE funding in 2013; this funding has been key in providing the pupils at our school with the very best opportunities in physical education.
Our Aims
Through the teaching of physical education we aim to:
- develop and explore physical skills with increasing control and co-ordination
- work and play with others in a range of group situations
- develop the way they perform skills and apply rules and conventions for different activities
- increase their ability to use what they have learnt to improve quality and control of their performance
- recognise and describe how their bodies feel during exercise
- develop enjoyment of physical activity through creativity and imagination
- develop and understanding of how to succeed in a range of physical activities and how to evaluate their own success
- have the opportunity to take part in a range of competitive, creative and challenge- type activities, both as individuals and as part of a team or group
- understand that PE and sport are an important part of a healthy active lifestyle
Our Curriculum
Teaching and Learning
During their time at St. Bridget's Catholic Primary School, children will take part in a wide range of sporting activities, building on skills from previous years. We are members of our local Sports Partnership and benefit from a PE Specialist Teacher who provides CPD and support to all teachers.
We recognise that all classes have children of widely differing abilities, and so we provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to the ability and experience of the child. We achieve this in a variety of ways, by:
- Targeting gifted and talented children to achieve at a higher standard through support and challenge in after-school clubs and competitions
- Setting tasks of increasing difficulty, evidenced in planning through differentiation and expected outcomes
- Providing apparatus which are suitable for the ability of the child, taking into account their individual needs
- Providing appropriate adult support to scaffold learning and to aid the work of the individual or group
St. Bridget's follows the National Curriculum and a long term plan developed in consultation with our local Sports Partnership.
Please see our Long Term PE Plan below.
We employ professional sport coaches, who deliver specific sequences of sports lessons aimed at different year groups and key stages. Where teachers are delivering their own PE lessons, they use the 'Rising Stars-Champions' PE scheme of work to underpin their planning and teaching. Our whole-school PE Long Term Plan is followed at all times, to ensure coverage and progression and so that the skills and content studied build upon prior learning.
We offer opportunities for children of all abilities to develop their skills and knowledge in each unit, and we ensure that the planned progression built into the scheme of work offers the children an increasing challenge as they move through school.
- Long term plans map out the curriculum content.
- Short term plans are prepared by individual teachers. They highlight the specific skills and learning objectives for that lesson, apparatus and any planned differentiation.
Foundation Stage- We teach physical education in EYFS by linking skills and activities to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals.
PE Curriculum Overview
PE Progression and Skills
In Years 4 and 5, children attend swimming lessons at St. Bees Pool. Each class attends weekly lessons which are taught by specialist swimming instructors who assess the children at the start and end of the swimming course.
Children learn how to:
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
Sports Day
Every member of our school from Nursery up to Y6 participates in our annual Sports Day held on our school field in the Summer Term. The children are encouraged to take part competitively in their own coloured team in a range of events including sprinting, javelin throwing, skipping, hurdling, obstacle and teddy bear races. It is the highlight of our school sporting calendar!
Outdoor and Adventurous Activities (OAA)
In Year 6 our residential visit to Robin Wood in Alston on the Cumbrian/Northumberland border provides our children with the unique opportunity to participate in many different outdoor activities and team building activities.
Extra- Curricular Activities
We have a wide range of extra-curricular sports activities on offer throughout the school year such as netball, multi-skills, badminton and Kwik cricket. We consult with parents and carers to ensure that we are effectively targeting all groups of pupils. We also have a number of successful competitive sports teams and have developed a culture and love of sport in our school community.
Assessment and Monitoring
Teachers assess children against clear learning objectives and success criteria and children are encouraged to self and peer assess. As children move through school, we carefully track their progress and attainment in PE, using our ACPAT assessment resource. The subject leader is responsible for monitoring attainment and progress of pupils and the quality of the teaching in physical education. The outcomes of which are fed back to staff at an appropriate time. The PE leader is also responsible for supporting colleagues in the teaching and learning of physical education and helping to ensure they make the most of the CPD opportunities available to them.
In addition to providing strategic direction for PE in school, the subject leader is also responsible for monitoring the impact of School Sports Funding. To find out about how the PE and Sport Funding, given to all primary schools by the government, has been used to improve the provision in our school, please refer to our PE & School Sports Funding Report, published in a separate area of this website.
Keeping Active At Home
Fitter Future- Follow the link and login with your own individual password
The Body Coach- PE with Joe
Cosmic Kids Yoga
Stay In Work out
Disney Shake Ups
Boogie Beebies
Nike Move Crew
Premier League Primary Stars
Just Dance
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