Muncaster Castle Trip 2025
What a fantastic day we’ve all had at Muncaster Castle. We enjoyed a wonderful owl display with the owls swooping right over our heads. Badger the owl was the favourite for many of the children and the highlight of the day. We also explored some weaponry, enjoyed a walk through the stunning…
Reception making a new chair for Baby Bear
For Science week Reception have linked their experiments to Goldilocks and The Three Bears. We talked about how Baby Bear’s chair was broken by Goldilocks and how we could make a new one. The children worked in groups making a new chair out of Lego, junk modelling, shapes and outside with crates…
Cuddles with feathered friends
Today the Reception children have thoroughly enjoyed holding the chicks - only 48 hours old! Cuteness overload! They all handled with them with such care and love. The chicks lapped up the attention.
Reception World Book Day
Today the Reception children had the pleasure of sharing a book with the Year 6 children. They’ve all thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, sharing stories and lots of giggles.
Following instructions and making toast
In Maths this week Reception have been learning how to follow a three step instruction in order. They followed the instructions to get the toast, spread their chosen topping and then cut it. Lots of children were so pleased that they did this task independently and also they got to eat the warm,…
Learning about internet safety in Reception linked to the story Chicken clicking
After reading the story of ‘Chicken Clicking’, the children in Reception drew the chicken and wrote a rule about being safe on the internet. They also did a Dojo task at home, recapping on the story and writing some rules of how to keep safe, including not buying all those…
Mr Wolf’s pancakes
After reading the story of ‘Mr Wolf’s pancakes’ in English this week, we had our own pancakes with jam or chocolate on them. We thought the story was very funny, when the wolf gobbled up all the characters and then the pancakes too!
Reception - learning about Hinduism
On Friday 7th February, the Reception class enjoyed a visit from Mr and Mrs Chaudhary to learn about the religion of Hinduism. The Reception children gained an insight into Hinduism, the Gods and Goddesses, places of worship and the life of a Hindu person. Mrs Chaudhary wore a beautiful sari,…
NSPCC Number Day - Reception
Reception Class enjoyed Number Day today. They all brought in a donation for this worthy cause.
St Bridget’s Feast Day in Reception
To celebrate St Bridget’s Feast Day, the Reception children wanted to create flowers in St Bridget’s colours to give to the parishioners. The children delivered these to church themselves and the parishioners were amazed at what a beautiful job they had all done. They will be in the back of church…
Reception Reindeer Run
Reception were delighted to receive their Reindeer Run certificates and medals for being super fundraisers. They were thrilled to find out how the money they raised will help other children in need.
Celebrating Chinese New Year in Reception
Reception enjoyed learning that Chinese New Year is the biggest holiday celebrated among Chinese people. They enjoyed learning how people get their homes ready for the celebration. Reception watched some traditional Chinese dragon dancing and then created their own dragon crafts. Everyone loved…