‘How does your garden and its creatures grow?’
This week in Nursery we started our topic “How does your garden and its creatures grow?”
We looked at different Spring pictures and began to change our tree in the Small World from a Winter tree into a Spring tree. The children all created some handprint mini beasts to go with the tree.
Year 3 investigate: Which is the strongest magnet?
Year 3 discovered magnetic and non-magnetic materials as they studied non-contact forces. They planned an investigation to determine which magnet was the strongest and used paper clips to test them out.
Year 1 Visit to Keswick Museum
We had so much fun on our wonderful trip to Keswick Museum. We enjoyed our fossil workshop, learning about fossils and the geology of Cumbria. We found out all about the continents millions of years ago and that once Cumbria was in the Southern Hemisphere and was covered in tropical rainforest.…
Year 3 investigate the force of friction on a toy car
Year 3 are in the process of investigating which surface creates the least friction on a toy car and which surface creates the greatest friction.
They enjoyed sending a toy car down a ramp to measure how far the toy car would travel on different types of surface. Which surface creates the…
Year 3 asked: Why do we have muscles?
We have been learning all about a healthy lifestyle, food and exercise. We have studied the 3 main functions of our skeleton, to protect, support and help movement. We now know that we have 3 different types of muscle, they move in different ways and have different function. Some muscles move…
Super Skeletons in Science
We got our old friend, Harold, out of the cupboard to investigate bones and their functions. We learnt that the skull and ribs protect our vital organs and looked at the skeletons of animals. Their skeletons were quite different to human skeletons. This was to help them to move in certain…
Nursery Seasons
Last half term we have been learning about the different seasons.
We started with a sorting activity of the different seasons. Sorting the different weather, plants, animals and activities you could do for each season.
We discussed how the leaves on the trees change as the seasons change. We…
Year 3 wanted to know, Is soil just dirt?
In Science, we have been studying rocks and soil. Some Year 3 investigators went outside to take a closer look at the layers within soil. As they dug down, sieved and observed they found different horizons: humus, leaves, twigs, stones, top soil, clay and rocks. Kalani even discovered her very own…
Autumn crafting in Reception
This half term in Reception we have been learning about the season of Autumn. The children brought in lots of Autumn things they had found at home such as leaves, conkers, acorns and pine cones and it was set up in a messy tray for children to explore using magnifying glasses. The children also…
Learning about the seasons in Nursery
This week we have been learning about the different seasons.
We started with a sorting activity of the different seasons. Sorting the different weather, plants, animals and activities you could do for each season.
We discussed how the leaves on the trees change as the seasons change. We then…
Year 5 Working Scientifically
Year 5 were faced with the problem of separating a mixture of flour, raisins and sugar. They had to use their knowledge of separating mixtures to work out the best strategy. They soon realised it was easy to separate the raisins by sieving the mixture, but the flour and sugar were much more…
River Habitat Workshop
This afternoon Year 2 were visited by Mia from West Cumbria Rivers Trust who delivered a workshop on the river habitat. The children found out about the various animals that live in the River Ehen, River Keekle and Longlands Lake. The children used branching databases to play Who am I? The…