Nursery: The Three Billy Goats Gruff Bridge Building
To celebrate and enjoy Science week Nursery read the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The challenge that was set was to have a go at building a bridge that the goats could use to cross the river.
All our children throughly enjoyed using the outdoor equipment to make different bridges. The…
Nursery Planting Seeds 2025
Last week in Nursery we had a go at planting some seeds.
We learnt that seeds need soil, sun and water to grow. Lots of children had a guess at what colours flower the seeds would grow into by looking at the seed packets.
We were all very pleased when we came into Nursery on Monday to find…
Nursery Biggest Ever Football Session
Nursery have loved playing football today! We practised kicking the ball in different directions and tried scoring some goals.
Nursery World Book Day 2025
Nursery have loved celebrating world book day today! We came to school dress up as our favourite character and enjoyed sharing a story with Year 4.
Nursery Computing: Painting bugs
After making our handprint minibeasts some children had a go at using the paint program on Purple Mash to paint and create some more minibeasts and bugs. Some children chose templates to paint while others had a go at painting their bug from scratch.
Nursery 2025 Mini beasts
This week in Nursery we started our new topic ‘How does your garden and its creatures grow?’.
We had a go at painting and creating our very own minibeasts using our hand prints!
Nursery Celebrate Valentines Day
This week in Nursery we have been celebrating Valentine’s Day!
We have created a Valentines craft to take home and give to someone we care about.
We have also had a love potions messy tray, where we have loved exploring the pink coloured water and flower petals.
Finally, we decorated a…
Nursery NSPCC Number Day 2025
We have loved exploring the Numberblocks to celebrate NSPCC Number Day this year!
we explored our Numberblocks shelf, including our Numberblock characters. We then had a go at making and decorating our own numberblock to add to the shelf.
Nursery: Celebrating St Bridget’s Day 2025
To help celebrate St Bridget’s Day on the 1st February, this week Nursery have been making and delivering a St Bridget’s craft.
They coloured and decorated a picture of St Bridget to stick on a lollipop stick and gave them to our dinner staff who come in and help us at lunch times, spreading…
Nursery: Obstacle Courses
This week in Nursery we have been putting our maths prepositional skills into practise by building an obstacle course. The children placed planks on the tyres to balance and climb on. I modelled language like “on, up, over and under” to the children as they made their way along the different parts…
Nursery: I want to be … a fire fighter
Last week we read the story “I want to be … a fire fighter”. In the story we found out what a fire fighter wears and some of the jobs they do.
The children then enjoyed exploring the fire fighter role play toys.
Nursery: Letter formation
This week in Nursery we have had a go at using the paint program on mini mash to practice our letter formation. The children had a go at looking for the first letter of their name before having a go and writing it.
we had lots of fun using the iPad and paint program to practise!