Image of Easter Nest Fun in Year 1
28 March 2024

Easter Nest Fun in Year 1

Year 1 had a great time making Easter Nest cakes with Mrs Benn. Everyone enjoyed crumbling the shredded wheat into the melted chocolate and stirring it. Everyone was surprised how the shredded wheat made the Easter Nest Cakes look like real nests! The final touch was adding some delicious…

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Image of Easter Nests in Reception
27 March 2024

Easter Nests in Reception

Reception had lots of fun making Easter nest cakes. They explored what happens when chocolate is melted and then mixed in with the rice crispies. Everyone had a go at stirring and putting the mixture into the cases. The final touch was adding some mini eggs into the nests. It was lots of…

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Image of Karate Taster Session Year 5
21 March 2024

Karate Taster Session Year 5

Today a former pupil Dylan Swarbrick came into school to deliver Karate taster sessions to each class. He introduced them to the Japanese Martial Art by demonstrating various techniques and explained how these develop both physical and mental strength. Year 5 had a great time performing striking…

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Image of Bishop Swarbrick Visits Year 5
19 March 2024

Bishop Swarbrick Visits Year 5

 Year 5 were honoured to be visited by Bishop  Swarbrick today after they wrote to him to ask him questions about being a Bishop. He was kind enough to give up his time to come into school to answer them. Every child in the class had a chance to ask a question and the children were captivated and…

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Image of Year 5 Science Fair
12 March 2024

Year 5 Science Fair

Year 5 had a fantastic experience at a science fair today. They did  practical activities in biology, chemistry and physics. These included looking at cells under a microscope, testing chemicals to see what colour they burnt and making their hair stand up with a Van der Graaff generator. They all…

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Image of World Book Day In Year 5
7 March 2024

World Book Day In Year 5

What a busy World Book Day we have had in Year 5! We celebrated the day by dressing up as our favourite book character or by wearing our pyjamas. We joined a BBC live World Book Day lesson and listened to different authors talk about what inspires them to write. We designed new book covers for our…

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Image of World Book Day Y6 2024
7 March 2024

World Book Day Y6 2024

After watching video clips of well-known presenters and actors ‘Bringing Books to Life’ where they shared what they love about their favourite stories, Year 6 worked together to create their very own short video.They considered the use of location, camera angles, images and music to create…

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Image of Year 5 Visit Lowry Exhibition At The Beacon
23 February 2024

Year 5 Visit Lowry Exhibition At The Beacon

Year 5 were very excited to visit the Beacon this morning to see their work on display. Last term they took part in a workshop in school and created a diorama of  Lowry’s painting ‘The Mill Scene’. This is now part of the exhibition which has Lowry paintings on loan from Salford Art Museum. We…

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Image of Cyclewise Certificates In Year 5
9 February 2024

Cyclewise Certificates In Year 5

Congratulations to the children in Year 5 who passed their Cyclewise level 1 and level 2 this week. They have all worked very hard to achieve this and are all keen to practice their new skills on the roads. 

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Image of Safer Internet Day 2024 Year 5
8 February 2024

Safer Internet Day 2024 Year 5

In Year 5 we discussed the importance of keeping ourselves safe online. We enjoyed discussing what we would like our online lives to be like . We thought it should be safe, fun, educational, appropriate, sociable and true to its word. We were all aware that not everything we read online is true…

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Image of Mental Health Week 2024 Year 5
8 February 2024

Mental Health Week 2024 Year 5

The theme this year for mental Health Week was ‘Your Voice Matters’. In Year 5 we learnt about the importance of speaking out if anything is troubling us. We made a class guide on ‘Top Tips for Speaking Out’. Our suggestions included being brave, being confident, tell someone you trust or write it…

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Image of Cyclewise Y5 2024
8 February 2024

Cyclewise Y5 2024

Year 5 have had a busy week learning how to ride their bikes more safely. They learnt how to get on and off their bike correctly, how to set off safely by looking over their shoulder to check for traffic and how to signal when turning left or right and how to manoeuvre correctly when doing so.…

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