Year 5/6 Rugby Tournament
Congratulations to Year 5/6 pupils who represented our school at a rugby tournament today. They achieved the School Games value of determination after winning every game.
World Mental Health Day 2024 in Year 1
Today Year 1 celebrated World Mental Health Day. Year 1 shared photos of activities they enjoy doing at home to make them feel good. They shared that not everyone will enjoy the same activities and that’s ok. In class they created some mental health cards to take home to give to special people.…
Sports Councillors 2024
Meet our new Sports Councillors for 2024 voted in by Y5. Their job is to attend School Council meetings and discuss how we can improve sports in our school. Their first tasks are to find out what sports equipment the children would like for playtimes so we can update it, what after school clubs…
Year 5 Garden Work
Year 5 have had a busy morning working on our new garden. They have levelled out the area to be seeded with grass, put down the grass seeds and watered it. They have transported all the compost into the flower boxes and sorted and labelled the plants. They learnt the difference between top soil…
School Council Campaign and Voting in Y 5
Our Year 5 candidates all campaigned hard to win votes to be elected for the school council. They said they would be good listeners and take requests from the children to School Council meetings in order to help improve our school. It was a close result but congratulations to Kyden and Daisy for…
School Council Elections in Year 2 2024
Year 2 have been voting for the two members of the class they would like to represent them in the School Council during this academic year. Every child casted their votes and cannot wait to find out the result of the ballot to see who the School Councillors will be.
Ukulele in Year 5
Year 5 have enjoyed their first ukulele lesson today. They learnt the difference between rhythm and pulse and practised playing short and long sounds in time with a song. They also learnt how to hold the ukulele correctly. They were all so enthusiastic and keen to join
Year 5 Lowther Castle Trip
We all had a great time spending time together exploring the fort at Lowther Castle on our end of year trip. We finished the day with ice lollies to cool off!
Year One Walby Farm Park trip
Year One had the most amazing school trip to Walby Farm Park. We enjoyed seeing the animals big and small, bumpy tractor rides, exploring the adventure play areas, having a yummy picnic together and daring to try out some exciting slides. The sunshine even came out for us. What a great…
Netball Tournament
A huge congratulations to our netball team who took part in a tournament at West Lakes Academy. They worked together as a team taking on board all the coaching skills they had learnt from our netball coach Mrs Parr and came 1st place overall scoring 41 goals! We are very proud of them!
STEM Ambassadors Visit Y5
Today two Sellafield apprentices came in to tell us all about their jobs. We learnt about what happens at Sellafield and how STEM subjects are important in their roles. We got to ask them lots of questions and enjoyed playing a matching game about alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Well done to the…
Year 4 Taster Day in Y5
Year 4 enjoyed spending time in Y5 today with their new teachers. They learnt all about the routines and expectations of Y 5. They also visited the Book Bus and all picked a book to put in our class library.