Bowling Final Y5/6
Year 5 and 6 representatives had a great time at the Bowling final at Carlisle. They all got to practice their bowling skills again and enjoyed taking part.
St. Patrick’s Day in Year 5
Today, Year 5 celebrated the Feast Day of St. Patrick, their class saint. To mark the occasion, they dressed in green. The children learned about St. Patrick’s life and created fact files that highlighted key moments from his journey. They had fun making and decorating shamrock biscuits and also…
Girl Can Festival 2025
Today, girls from Year 5 and 6 participated in the "Girls Can Festival," an event designed to inspire girls to explore a variety of sports. They had a great time learning new skills in football, athletics, dance, judo, and kicky rounders. We hope this experience will motivate them to continue…
Year 3 Treat Afternoon
Well done Year 3, for wonderful singing, behaviour and reverence in mass last week. Mrs Stead brought in chocolates. They watched part of a movie, ate popcorn and had an afternoon playtime to reward the wonderful impression that they left with our RE Inspectors. They said that all of our children…
Year 5 Friction Experiment
Year 5 students have been learning about friction in science. To explore its effects, they conducted an experiment using jelly cubes. They tried to pick up the cubes from a paper plate but found it difficult because the cubes stuck to the plate due to the higher friction. To reduce the friction,…
Year 5 Biggest Ever Football Session
Today we all took part in the Biggest Ever Football Session to encourage girls to join in and have equal rights in football. ⚽️⚽️⚽️
Earth and Space Workshop in Year 5
Year 5 had an exciting science workshop yesterday led by Alex, a physics graduate. They learned about the Earth's rotation around the sun and how it spins on its axis, which causes day and night as well as the seasons. At the same time, the moon rotates around the Earth. To help us understand…
Year 5 World Book Day 2025
Year 5 had a really busy day for World Book Day! We visited the library to pick out a book and enjoyed some quiet time reading it. We launched our new book, "The Boy in the Tower” and listened to the 1st two chapters where Ade describes what he can see from his tower block window. We then drew…
Year 5 and 6 Attend Mass
Today, Year 5 and 6 went to mass at St. Mary’s Church. In one of the Bible readings, we learned how wonderful it is to find a friend who is faithful to us, and that having such a friend is like finding a treasure that we should cherish. We also learned from the gospel reading that to enter the…
Love and Justice in Year 5
In Year 5 we have been promoting the Pope’s message of love and social justice by making cards to send to our families to show how much we love and appreciate them.
Science Workshop Y5 and 6
Year 5 and 6 took part in a science workshop at St. Bees school. They found out that using different chemicals in flames changes the colour, and they had a a great time making popping sounds by putting a flame in a test tube with gas. They also were fascinated watching their friends' hair stand on…
Cyclewise Year 5 2025
Last week, Year 5 participated in bikeability cycle training. They started by learning to control and master their bikes on the playground before moving on to the roads, where they practiced dealing with traffic and performing various safe maneuvers. Everyone enjoyed the experience, and now we…