Reception Reindeer Run
Reception were delighted to receive their Reindeer Run certificates and medals for being super fundraisers. They were thrilled to find out how the money they raised will help other children in need.
Celebrating Chinese New Year in Reception
Reception enjoyed learning that Chinese New Year is the biggest holiday celebrated among Chinese people. They enjoyed learning how people get their homes ready for the celebration. Reception watched some traditional Chinese dragon dancing and then created their own dragon crafts. Everyone loved…
Year 1 Keswick Museum trip
We had the most amazing trip to Keswick Museum. The children’s behaviour was outstanding and they made us really proud showing off all they have already learnt about fossils. We learnt all about the history of the local area and how the landscape has changed. We found out about how important…
Reindeer Run Awards
The whole school was visited by the lady from the Jigsaw charity to inform 5em of how much they had raised as a school from the Reindeer Run they ran in December. They were very proud of their achievement and to receive their medals and certificates.
Nursery: Celebrating St Bridget’s Day 2025
To help celebrate St Bridget’s Day on the 1st February, this week Nursery have been making and delivering a St Bridget’s craft.
They coloured and decorated a picture of St Bridget to stick on a lollipop stick and gave them to our dinner staff who come in and help us at lunch times, spreading…
Year 4 Wheelchair Basketball
This week we absolutely loved our experience playing Wheelchair Basketball! We honed our skills of teamwork, throwing and catching, whilst also trying to manoeuvre the wheelchairs (with some speed too!) across the court.
Launching the Jubilee Year of Hope 2025 in Year 2
Year 2 have marked the launch of the Jubilee Year of Hope by coming to school dressed in their favourite colours. The children began the day by taking part in a prayer and liturgy based on the Jubilee Year of Hope and sang the ‘Pilgrim Calypso’ to praise God and celebrate the Jubilee. They learned…
Year 3 Wheelchair Basketball
Year 3 had great fun manoeuvring the wheelchairs, throwing and scoring today. It was much trickier than it looked. They did a great job and the games were highly competitive. An amazing experience.
Year 2 Wheelchair Basketball Session 2025
Year 2 enjoyed taking part in a wheelchair basketball session. The session began with them learning how to manoeuvre their wheelchairs so they could play a short game. The children were very competitive and worked well as a team to score points in the opposition’s net. What a wonderful experience…
Reception wheelchair basketball 2024
Reception enjoyed a wheelchair basketball session, learning how to move the chairs, go backwards and forwards and move around the hall. They even had a turn at using a ball to shoot it into a net. They had lots of fun when they learnt how they could move faster by using their hands on the wheels.
Year of Jubilee Launch Year 5
Today we launched the Year of Jubilee, which is themed "Pilgrims of Hope." We reflected on Pope Francis's words about demonstrating our status as pilgrims of hope through our actions and words, showing patience, courage, and forgiveness. We revisited the parable of the Prodigal Son and…
Wheel Chair Basket Ball Year 5
Year 5 had a blast with wheelchair basketball today! They started with a game of tag to get the hang of it and then moved on to competitive basketball matches. The instructor was impressed by how quickly they picked it up and how well they worked together as a team.