Year 5 and 6 Advent Service
Yesterday, Year 5 and 6 attended an Advent Service with other local Catholic schools at St. Mary’s Church in Cleator. Each school performed a Christmas carol and read a passage from the Bible. We delivered an incredible rendition of "Maranatha," with every child pouring their heart and soul into…
Year 1’s Christmas Surprise Visit
Today Year 1 had a wonderful surprise visit today from Santa and Mrs Christmas. Everyone received a present and were bursting with excitement. The Christmas spirit is strong in Year 1. Many thanks to Cumberland council and Egremont Winter Wonderland for the magical surprise.
Mr and Mrs Claus Surprise Year 2 2024
Year 2 were most surprised when Mr and Mrs Claus and their elves called into class to surprise them whilst they were working. They are most grateful for the gifts they received and couldn’t wait to go home today so they could open them.
Year 2 Spread Kindness with the Kindness Elves
This Advent Year 2 are being visited by the Kindness Elves who are always on the look out for kindness and helpfulness! They heard how kind and loving Year 2 are and have came to see this for themselves by encouraging them to do small acts of kindness in their daily lives. Today the children were…
Santa and Mrs Christmas visit
We had a special visit from Santa, Mrs Christmas and their elves to deliver presents to all the children. Reception were busy practising our nativity show on the stage and even sang a song for our guests who had a dance. Thank you to Egremont town council and Egremont Winter wonderland.
Father Christmas and Mrs Claus Visit Year 5
Today, Year 5 had a delightful surprise visit from Father Christmas, Mrs. Claus, and their elves. They brought presents for every child and awarded Troy a prize for winning the "If I Was a Christmas Elf for One Day" poetry competition. We all had a fantastic time singing along to "Jingle…
A Surprise Visit from Mrs Christmas Y6 2024
What a lovely surprise! Mrs Christmas came to visit Y6 this morning to check everyone has been showing love and kindness throughout the year. She then kindly gave everyone a Christmas present.
Year 3 Meet Mr and Mrs Claus
Year 3 were very surprised to see Mr and Mrs Claus on Friday. They arrived with 2 naughty elves. They were not on the good list. Year 3 are all on Santa’s good list. They all received yummy gifts from Santa. It was so nice to see them at this busy time of year!
Year 3/4 Rapid Fire Cricket Tournament
Year 3 and 4 representatives had a great time at the School Games Rapid Fire Cricket Tournament today. They learnt lots of new skills then put these into practice in a new form of fast pace cricket games.
Reception obstacle course session
Reception were delighted to have Mrs Grealish join us from St Benedict’s to teach a PE session involving obstacle courses. The children learnt how to balanced, co-ordinate their movements and agility. They had a great time and even practised their skills of waiting patiently and turn taking. Thank…
Year 4 Christmas Theatre Trip
This week, Year 4 enjoyed a fabulous Christmas treat at Theatre By The Lake in Keswick to watch a performance of The Jungle Book. We loved the show, clapped along to the songs and were on the edge of our seats during the action scenes!
Year 1 at the Pantomime 2024
A wonderful time was had by all the Infants watching the pantomime ‘Aladdin’ at the Carnegie Theatre & Arts Centre. The children and adults laughed and shouted from the start to the finish. What a fantastic way to start the Christmas festivities!