Y1 Rosary Beads
To complete our month of dedication to Mary Year 1 made their own rosaries. We learnt how the rosary can be used to help people pray. We learnt that 10 beads grouped together are called a decade. We were amazed at how many prayers can be said using one. It took a lot of concentration making…
Y1 Paddington Day
Today we enjoyed a special Paddington Day. We have been reading and enjoying the story for a couple of weeks now. Paddington told us to all bring our bears to meet him. He had a long journey from Darkest Peru so we made him a marmalade sandwich to revive him. We found out that Paddington is…
Y1 Mental Health Awareness Week
Mental Health Awareness Week
We all enjoyed wearing green today as part of promoting Mental Health Awareness. We had lots of fun creating some surprise ‘Take a Break’ packs to send home today. We talked about what Mental Health means and self help strategies we can use to help ourselves. Year…
Y1 Investigate Trees
In science Y1 have been learning about different types of trees. Deciduous trees lose their leaves but evergreen trees stay green all year round. We enjoyed investigating at home and when we were out to identify deciduous and evergreen trees. Enjoy looking at what we have found so far.
Year 1 and the Beanstalks
Wow we have some amazing Bean Plants in our class! We have been looking after them carefully for a few weeks now and they have really enjoyed the sunny windowsill in class. Each day we have remembered to water them. Growing our own bean plants has helped us to understand what plants need to grow…
Y1 Autism Awareness
Today as part of National Autism Awareness Week 2021 Serena volunteered to tell the class all about Autism. Serena confidently talked to the class and shared her personal experiences. Serena told the class all about the charity that her family has set up to help support and celebrate Autism in…
Year 1 Toolbox Talk
Today we were lucky to receive a Toolbox Talk from Steve and Steve who are busy making our wonderful new castle. They showed us how they use plans that are drawn out to help them organise their work. They talked about the materials they were using to make the castle and where they come from.…
Y1 Celebrate St. Joseph’s Day
On Friday 19th March we celebrated St. Joseph’s day. We all wore red because it’s a special colour associated with St. Joseph. We enjoyed a break time Jammie Dodger which went down a treat. We had fun learning some facts about St. Joseph’s life. In the afternoon we created paper lilies, we…
Y1 Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
Year 1 enjoyed learning all about St. Patrick the Patron saint of Ireland. We enjoyed researching then writing facts about St.Patrick inside shamrocks. We created some super spiral snakes because they are in his story. We learnt how people around the world celebrate the feast of St. Patrick…
Y1 British Science Week
Y1 have enjoyed a diverse British Science Week. The start of the week involved exploring plants and setting up an investigation to answer what they need to grow. Everyone planted a bean plant and we are busy conducting daily observations to watch their progress. We also explored the human…
Y6 Science Week
As part of National Science week, Year 6 have been learning about inventors and innovators. We had a great Science day making spaghetti skyscrapers and designing fabulous fliers. We learnt some really important lessons about the engineering of structures, how to make them strong and the…
Y1 World Book Day Reading Challenge
Year 1 celebrated World Book Day by taking part in a reading challenge. The children were asked to read and share a story in different places around the home, garden or whilst out on a walk. Well done everyone for finding such interesting places to enjoy a story.