Year 1 The Gingerbread Man
Year 1 have enjoyed a wonderful week making their own Gingerbread biscuits. In English we have been studying the Gingerbread Man as a traditional tale. We have used Talk for Writing to immerse ourselves in the story. We have created story maps, sequenced the story, written instructions for…
Baptism Signs and Symbols
Today we visited our parish church St. Mary’s. We have been learning about the signs and symbols of Baptism. In church we took part in a role play. We were able to recall the five signs and symbols of Baptism. Today we found out about the significance of the oil of Chrism and its importance.…
Year 1 Santa Post
Year 1 have been busy writing letters to Santa. Today we got wrapped up and walked to Egremont Main Street to post our special letters. We were kindly invited into the post office to watch our letters being weighed and the stamps being put on. We then took our letter to the post box. We all…
Y1 Maths Week
Year 1 enjoyed exploring maths in practical ways. We created our own part whole models. We enjoyed playing skittles and using it to help learn number bonds to 10. We used the large P.E. dots to group in 2’s we then recorded counting in 2’s on the whiteboards. We counted in 2’s aloud as we jumped…
Y1 Remembrance
Year 1 learnt about why Remembrance is important. We learnt about the significance of the poppy as a symbol of remembrance. In class we held a 2 minute silence and prayed for all those who have lost their lives. In Art we created finger print poppies.
One Kind Word
As part of Anti-Bullying week year one focused on this year’s theme: ‘One Kind Word’. First we explored how the words we use are really important and once said can’t be taken back. We worked through the impact of word choices in messages that can be sent online. We explored the slides in the…
Year 1 Diwali Lights
Year 1 finished off learning about Diwali today. We created some lights holders to celebrate. It was good fun decorating the cups in bright colours. When we put the tea lights in we loved how they looked. We were very excited to take them home to show our families. The children were able to…
Celebrating Diwali
Year 1 were delighted to welcome Neil’s parents in class today. Sarika and Deepak came to talk about the Hindu celebration of Diwali. We learnt about Diwali being the festival of light. The celebration is a joyful one that also celebrates the end of harvest. The children enjoyed learning about…
Y1 Walby Farm Park
Year 1 had a fantastic time visiting Walby Farm Park. It was an action packed day full of fun and even ice cream. We loved exploring all the different play areas and meeting all the animals.
Y1 End of Term Party
Year 1 had a wonderful time celebrating the end of term. We enjoyed playing party games together. We loved the competitive streak we saw in Pass the Parcel, Musical Chairs and Hook a Duck. We were all good at taking turns and being good sports. In the afternoon we enjoyed face painting and…
Reception Move Up Day
Reception class enjoyed a lovely morning trying out their new Year 1 classroom. We made England flags, paper chains and sang football songs. We enjoyed working on some art work that will be in our class when we return in September. Our favourite part was playing on the new castle. Mrs Robson…
Y1 Wacky Windmills
Year 1 enjoyed researching, designing and making their own Wacky Windmills. We researched the history of windmills, their purpose and variation in design throughout the years. We used this information to help design our own creations using recyclable products. We finished off decorating our…