Year 1 Wear Red for Love and Justice
Today Year 1 wore red to promote the Pope’s message of love and justice in the world. They created their own Valentine’s cards after listening to the story of St. Valentine to surprise family members at home with.
Year 1 Children’s Mental Health Week
As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, Year 1 have incorporated some mindfulness moments into their day. They took part in some ‘Rainbow Breathing’. Year 1 described feeling calm and relaxed after the breathing exercises. This is definitely something that can be used everyday to help everyone’s…
NSPCC Number Day in Year 1
Year 1 enjoyed celebrating Number Day by inviting Year 6 to play maths games with them. Everyone worked well together and had lots of fun. Year 6 were wonderful at supporting when needed. It was great to see all the maths being used.
St. Bridget’s Day Acts of Kindness
Today Year 1 celebrated St.Bridget’s Day by making cards to give out to people in the community. Year 1 families kindly donated biscuits to give out as acts of kindness. They visited Calderwood House, Westcroft Surgery, Knoxwood Charity Shop, Lowes Court Gallery, The Foodbank, a market trader and…
Reception Reindeer Run
Reception were delighted to receive their Reindeer Run certificates and medals for being super fundraisers. They were thrilled to find out how the money they raised will help other children in need.
Celebrating Chinese New Year in Reception
Reception enjoyed learning that Chinese New Year is the biggest holiday celebrated among Chinese people. They enjoyed learning how people get their homes ready for the celebration. Reception watched some traditional Chinese dragon dancing and then created their own dragon crafts. Everyone loved…
African Drumming in Year 1
Year 1 had a fantastic time learning about African Drumming with Zozo. They learnt that the drum is called ‘djembe’ and how to tap it correctly. Year 1 loved learning the song ‘Ranky Tank’ and listening to Zozo’s stories. Everyone is looking forward to the next lesson.
Year 1 Learn to Play Cricket
Year 1 enjoyed learning to play Cricket today with Matthew. They started developing their catching skills. Next they learned how to hold a cricket bat properly. They worked in teams to bat and field. Everyone had great fun and can’t wait for the next session.
Year 1 Reindeer Run
Year 1 had a fantastic time on the Reindeer Run. They enjoyed raising money for the Jigsaw hospice to help others. Everyone loved wearing antlers to run round like reindeers. A great time having fun and raising money.
Year 1’s Christmas Surprise Visit
Today Year 1 had a wonderful surprise visit today from Santa and Mrs Christmas. Everyone received a present and were bursting with excitement. The Christmas spirit is strong in Year 1. Many thanks to Cumberland council and Egremont Winter Wonderland for the magical surprise.
Anti-Bullying Week
Reception came to school in blue or in their own clothes to support Anti-Bullying week. They talked about how they can be good friends and what to do if they ever need help. Everyone is looking forward to the ‘Friendship Disco’.
Advent Wreaths in Reception
Reception have been learning about the Advent Wreath. They found out that ‘Advent’ means getting ready for Christmas and that the Advent Wreath is used in church to to count down to Christmas by lighting the candles. They found out about the different coloured candles used and their meaning.…