Image of Planting seeds in Year 2
23 April 2021

Planting seeds in Year 2

This term Year 2 will be learning about plants in their science lessons. Today they have been learning about germination and setting up an investigation to see what seeds need to be able to germinate. The children planted their own individual pots with a dwarf sunflower seed in. They cannot wait…

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Image of Year 1 and the Beanstalks
1 April 2021

Year 1 and the Beanstalks

Wow we have some amazing Bean Plants in our class! We have been looking after them carefully for a few weeks now and they have really enjoyed the sunny windowsill in class.  Each day we have remembered to water them.  Growing our own bean plants has helped us to understand what plants need to grow…

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Image of Holy Week activities in Reception
1 April 2021

Holy Week activities in Reception

During Lent we have thought about how we can grow more like Jesus, so we have been even kinder to each other and more helpful.  

This week we listened to the Story of Palm Sunday and The Last Supper.  We cut out palm leaves and tried really hard to improve our cutlery skills!  We have…

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Image of Moon Landing
1 April 2021

Moon Landing

We have had so much fun learning about Space and the Moon!  It has been one of the most exciting Topics we have learnt about!  As we came to an end, the children wanted to know more about Man on the Moon!  We watched a video clip of the first Moon Walk and we talked a lot about gravity!  We look…

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Image of Year 5 Water Resistance
28 March 2021

Year 5 Water Resistance

During their work on water resistance Year 5 were set the challenge of making the same piece of blu tac sink and float. They discovered that they had to increase the surface area of the blu tac in order to increase the upthrust of the water then it would float.



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Image of Spectacular Space Science
13 March 2021

Spectacular Space Science

On our return to School, our Topic is ‘Whatever Next,’ the story about Little Bear that created a rocket out of a cardboard box and flew to the moon!  This coincided with Science Week so we decided to carry out some Space Science!  From fizzing planets, making moon craters and shining stars, we…

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Image of Y1 British Science Week
12 March 2021

Y1 British Science Week

Y1 have enjoyed a diverse British Science Week.  The start of the week involved exploring plants and setting up an investigation to answer what they need to grow.  Everyone planted a bean plant and we are busy conducting daily observations to watch their progress.  We also explored the human…

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Image of Using our senses in Nursery
12 March 2021

Using our senses in Nursery

In Nursery we have been using our senses to taste, smell, look at and touch different types of food. We had lemons, mint leaves, cheese, fish and the children’s favourite chocolate. The children tasted some of the foods and we talked about the texture. They also felt them and used lots of…

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Image of Science Week 2021
11 March 2021

Science Week 2021

Year 4 have learning about the human digestive system. They have learned to identify and name all the parts and can explain the process of digestion using scientific vocabulary. Finally, they enjoyed making a working model of the digestive system. 

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Image of Year 2 Science Week 2021
11 March 2021

Year 2 Science Week 2021

Earlier this week Year 2 learned about the famous scientist Isaac Newton and found out how he discovered the force gravity. The children made paper spinners to explore gravity for themselves. They investigated the difference made by adding paper clips to the spinners and the time it took them to…

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Image of Year 3 British Science Week
11 March 2021

Year 3 British Science Week

Year 3 had great fun, testing out which magnet was the strongest by attaching paper clips. They planned and carried out a fair test investigation using a variety of magnets; big and small. The smallest horseshoe magnet held 61 large paper clips!!! They were surprised that the bigger magnet only…

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Image of Y5 British Science Week 2021
10 March 2021

Y5 British Science Week 2021

As part of their topic on forces Y5 carried out an investigation to see how difficult it was to pick up maltesers, jelly cubes and jelly cubes covered in oil with chop sticks. They realised that the maltesers and the oily jelly cubes were the most difficult as there was less friction between the…

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