Science Week 2021
Year 4 have learning about the human digestive system. They have learned to identify and name all the parts and can explain the process of digestion using scientific vocabulary. Finally, they enjoyed making a working model of the digestive system.
Year 2 Science Week 2021
Earlier this week Year 2 learned about the famous scientist Isaac Newton and found out how he discovered the force gravity. The children made paper spinners to explore gravity for themselves. They investigated the difference made by adding paper clips to the spinners and the time it took them to…
Year 3 British Science Week
Year 3 had great fun, testing out which magnet was the strongest by attaching paper clips. They planned and carried out a fair test investigation using a variety of magnets; big and small. The smallest horseshoe magnet held 61 large paper clips!!! They were surprised that the bigger magnet only…
Y5 British Science Week 2021
As part of their topic on forces Y5 carried out an investigation to see how difficult it was to pick up maltesers, jelly cubes and jelly cubes covered in oil with chop sticks. They realised that the maltesers and the oily jelly cubes were the most difficult as there was less friction between the…
Y5 British Science Week 2021
As part of their topic on forces Y5 carried out an investigation to see how difficult it was to pick up maltesers, jelly cubes and jelly cubes covered in oil with chop sticks. They realised that the maltesers and the oily jelly cubes were the most difficult as there was less friction between the…
Y6 Science Week Art on Darwin
Year 6 have been working on their pencil control and shading skills in their art sketching work. They used the scientist Charles Darwin as inspiration to create portraits as he is our featured scientist during National Science Week.
Y6 Science Week
As part of National Science week, Year 6 have been learning about inventors and innovators. We had a great Science day making spaghetti skyscrapers and designing fabulous fliers. We learnt some really important lessons about the engineering of structures, how to make them strong and the…
Electrical Circuits
⚡️ ⚡️ Year 4 have been learning about electricity. ⚡️⚡️
They have learned all about how electricity is generated, including sustainable sources, and what is is used for. They have drawn diagrams to illustrate how to create an electrical circuit using symbols and scientific vocabulary. They have…
Y1 The Snail and The Whale
Year One has enjoyed lots of activities linked to Julia Donaldson’s The Snail and The Whale. They created story maps of the original story and then created their own versions. We worked hard to spot all the rhyming words and then chose our own rhyming words to go in our own stories. We created…
Y1 Sinking and Floating Investigation
Year 1 have enjoyed investigating floating and sinking at home. They selected various objects around the house to test. They predicted and then tested the different materials. Great home learning Year 1.
Year 4 ‘Investigating Static Electricity’
Year 4 enjoyed investigating how to create their own static electricity using balloons.