Y5 Science 22.10.20
Y5 carried out an experiment to see if they could separate a mixture of sand, salt and water. They used filtration and evaporation to see if they could separate the mixture back to its original form.
Whinlatter trip
As part of their Science topic on Living Things and their Habitats, Year 2 went to Whinlatter Forest Park to take part in a Habitats workshop. They learned about the trees and animals that live in the forest then went exploring to see what they could find. There was much excitement when they…
Workshop from the West Cumbria Rivers Trust
As part of our Science work on living things and their habitats, Cathy from the West Cumbria Rivers Trust came in and did a workshop about the living things that are found in rivers. The children learned facts about different animals that live in and along our rivers. We played games to find out…
Investigating the force of friction
We really enjoyed investigating which surface caused the greatest friction on the wheels of our car. We elevated our ramp to see how much friction was created on different surfaces. Carpet is soft, thick and bumpy so we predicted that this would cause most friction. We were right!
Year 4 Science Investigation
As part of their science topic on teeth, Year 4 planned and carried out an investigation to find out how different drinks affect our teeth. Can you guess which drinks we tested?
Y5 science
Year 5 carried out an investigation to see if they could separate a mixture of sand, salt and water. They discovered that filtering the mixture separated the sand and evaporation separated the salt and water.
Year 4 Digestive System
Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed making a working model of the human digestive system. Ask them how they did it!
Pirate ships
Reception had great fun making and testing their pirate boats this week. They had to think about how to make the boats, the materials they would need and whether the materials were waterproof or not. All of them were waterproof although some of them did capsize.
Y4 static electricity
Y4 have enjoyed finding out about static electricity.
Nursery exploring sea creatures
Nursery had the chance to explore fish and an octopus in class this week, after learning about sea animals and creatures. They got to touch them and talk about what they felt like and also look at all their features, such as their eyes and mouth. Most of the children really enjoyed looking at them…
Nursery’s visit from a stick insect
Nursery had a lovely teacher from another school and her son come into class to show us their stick insect, ‘Betty Sammy’. The children were taught about what a stick insect eats and drinks and how to look after it. We were then given some stick insect eggs to look after, in the hope that they…
Minibeast hunt
This week Reception have been exploring the school grounds to look for minibeasts. They used their observation skills to identify what they found.