Investigating Electricity
Year 4 have been testing a range of materials to find out if they are a conductor or insulator of electricity.
Year 4 have been learning about how to create an electrical circuit.
Year 5 Earth and Space
Year 5 have been learning all about space and earth. They have researched information about planets in our solar system and designed their own planets. Today Jeremy Hunt, a local astronomer, came to school to give a talk all about the stars. The children all leant lots of new facts and Matthew was…
Wild Rivers Field Trip 3 (2021)
We all had a go at pond dipping. We disturbed the riverbed to release invertebrates then captured a sample of the water so that we could make observations of any living organisms. We then used the scale to determine how fresh and unpolluted the water in the River Ehen is.
Wild Rivers Field Trip 2 (2021)
We made very detailed observations of a section of the River Ehen so that we could make a technical drawing of the area using map symbols.
Wild Rivers Field Trip 1 (2021)
We had to make a river using only the natural materials that could be found lying on the ground. We then had to include as many features as we could and label our river. There was lots of discussion using all the technical vocabulary we have been learning in school.
Wild Rivers Field Trip 2021
It was a beautiful crisp cold, sunny morning at Ennerdale. Year 4 were set various challenges to complete within their group, including finding invertebrates living on land, then had to take photographic evidence of their success. Some of the challenges were very difficult to…
Wild about Rivers
Year 4 have had a productive morning applying and reinforcing their knowledge about rivers. They have been learning about the rivers in our locality and about the importance of protecting it has a habitat.
Living things investigation in Year 2
This term Year 2 have been learning about living things and their habitats. Today they went to investigate the living things that are in our school grounds. They used an app to help identify plants they did not know the name of. The children were very surprised by some of their findings.
Investigating the best material for curtains
Year 3 were investigating which material was best for curtains and tested which material was good at blocking out light. They tried a variety of materials and most children discovered that dark polyester was most effective. They measured the strength and size of the shadow created and considered…
Y5 Catapults
Y5 have been learning about levers in science and how useful they are in everyday life. We made catapults to learn how levers work and had a competition to see who could project a marshmallow the furthest distance.
Y1 Investigate Trees
In science Y1 have been learning about different types of trees. Deciduous trees lose their leaves but evergreen trees stay green all year round. We enjoyed investigating at home and when we were out to identify deciduous and evergreen trees. Enjoy looking at what we have found so far.