Image of Year 5 Science Week
17 March 2022

Year 5 Science Week

Year 5 have been learning about what STEM stands for and jobs that involve using these subjects. We were very lucky to receive an Innovabox from some nuclear graduates who created this activity box to promote an awareness of STEM in schools. One of the activities was to challenge us to create a…

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Image of Year 1 visit Strudda Bank Farm
16 March 2022

Year 1 visit Strudda Bank Farm

As part of British Science Week Year 1 visited Strudda Bank Farm to learn about ‘Growth’. Farmer Kev and Farmer Vicky gave us a warm welcome and despite the rain we all had a fantastic time learning about crops, cattle, sheep, hens, owls, peacocks and even emus! It was a brilliant opportunity for…

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Image of British Science Week Bridge Building in Y6
16 March 2022

British Science Week Bridge Building in Y6

As part of our Science week, Y6 were joined by a representative from Kier Construction and Engineering. The children were set a task of designing and building a bridge using spaghetti and marshmallows. They had to consider a range of structures and design a bridge that would be strong, secure and…

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Image of Strudda Bank Farm Year 4
15 March 2022

Strudda Bank Farm Year 4

As part of Science Week, Year 4 visited Strudda Bank Farm to learn more about the theme ‘Growth’. We enhanced our understanding of the cycle of life and how to live a sustainable life, being more self-sufficient and avoiding waste. Farmer Kev shared his wealth of knowledge and experience about…

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Image of Investigating Electricity
26 February 2022

Investigating Electricity

Year 4 have been testing a range of materials to find out if they are a conductor or insulator of electricity. 

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Image of Electricity
26 February 2022


Year 4 have been learning about how to create an electrical circuit. 

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Image of Year 5 Earth and Space
25 February 2022

Year 5 Earth and Space

Year 5 have been learning all about space and earth. They have researched information about planets in our solar system and designed their own planets. Today Jeremy Hunt, a local astronomer, came to school to give a talk all about the stars. The children all leant lots of new facts and Matthew was…

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Image of Wild Rivers Field Trip 3 (2021)
2 December 2021

Wild Rivers Field Trip 3 (2021)

We all had a go at pond dipping. We disturbed the riverbed to release invertebrates then captured a sample of the water so that we could make observations of any living organisms. We then used the scale to determine how fresh and unpolluted the water in the River Ehen is. 

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Image of Wild Rivers Field Trip 2 (2021)
2 December 2021

Wild Rivers Field Trip 2 (2021)

We made very detailed observations of a section of the River Ehen so that we could make a technical drawing of the area using map symbols. 

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Image of Wild Rivers Field Trip 1 (2021)
2 December 2021

Wild Rivers Field Trip 1 (2021)

We had to make a river using only the natural materials that could be found lying on the ground. We then had to include as many features as we could and label our river. There was lots of discussion using all the technical vocabulary we have been learning in school. 

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Image of Wild Rivers Field Trip 2021
2 December 2021

Wild Rivers Field Trip 2021

It was a beautiful crisp cold, sunny morning at Ennerdale. Year 4 were set various challenges to complete within their group, including finding invertebrates living on land, then had to take photographic evidence of their success. Some of the challenges were very difficult to…

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Image of Wild about Rivers
30 November 2021

Wild about Rivers

Year 4 have had a productive morning applying and reinforcing their knowledge about rivers. They have been learning about the rivers in our locality and about the importance of protecting it has a habitat. 

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