Image of Planting Sunflowers Investigation
24 June 2022

Planting Sunflowers Investigation

Our Year 2 children began their new science topic on plants by planting their own sunflower seeds. They also planned how to prove the statement ‘Plants need water for germination’. They decided that they would plant some seeds that had water and some that had no water. They also had a discussion…

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Image of The Digestive System Y4
21 May 2022

The Digestive System Y4

Lots of fun was had when Year 4 used everyday items to construct the digestive system. Do you know how long it takes for food to travel through your digestive system? 

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Image of St. Bridget’s Science Week Overall Winner
31 March 2022

St. Bridget’s Science Week Overall Winner

A big congratulations to Mia for winning the 2022 whole school Science Week competition.  We were wowed by so many entries from all age groups.  The entries received were all of a high standard and were creative in lots of ways.  This years competition asked children to create a poster or model…

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Image of Nursery Science Week 2022
22 March 2022

Nursery Science Week 2022

Nursery have thoroughly enjoyed Science Week! We started the week off by using some Science equipment, pretending to be Scientists. We even had some dinosaur Scientists visit us and show us an experiment to create fizzy animals, which was very exciting! Our next experiment required us to be…

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Image of Year 5 Strudda Farm Visit
20 March 2022

Year 5 Strudda Farm Visit

As part of our British Science Week work, Year 5 visited Strudda Farm to learn about growth. They found out about the importance of the growth of wheat, corn and barley in order to produce a lot of the foods they love to eat. They were delighted to pet new born lambs and chicks and were thrilled…

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Image of Reception Science week 2022
18 March 2022

Reception Science week 2022

We have also been reading the story of, ‘Mr Archimedes bath’ in Reception and how his bath kept overflowing with all the animals getting in. The children made their own bath and we tested which animals made it overflow. The children predicted when the bath would overflow. When they dropped each…

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Image of Science Week: Stretchy Slime Experiment
18 March 2022

Science Week: Stretchy Slime Experiment

Today Year 2 investigated how far slime can stretch. They predicted whether cold, warm or slime at room temperature would stretch the furthest or the least. They tested each temperature of slime and measured how far it stretched before it snapped off. What a messy time was had by all!


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Image of Professor Pumpernickel’s Science Show Y4
18 March 2022

Professor Pumpernickel’s Science Show Y4

Year 4 had a fantastic time at Professor Pumpernickel’s Science show. We learnt about lots of different areas of Science in a fun and entertaining way.  The Professor’s demonstrations left us with our mouths open in wonder.  It gave everyone a real buzz about Science and how Science is behind…

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Image of Reception’s Professor Pumpernickel show
17 March 2022

Reception’s Professor Pumpernickel show

Reception watched a Science show by Professor Pumpernickel. He taught them lots of things about Science and how things work and as you can tell by their faces, the children really enjoyed the show. There was fire, smoke and exploding canons, what more could you ask for? 

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Image of Y1 Growing Beans in Bags
17 March 2022

Y1 Growing Beans in Bags

During ‘Science Week’ year 1 are investigating ‘Growth’.  We are growing beans but not in plant pots.  We are investigating growing them in bags.  We are watching daily to look for signs of germination. The clear plastic bag will enable us to see the growth clearly.  After a discussion we chose…

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Image of Professor Pumpernickel’s Science Show
17 March 2022

Professor Pumpernickel’s Science Show

Year 1 had a fantastic time at Professor Pumpernickel’s Science show. We learnt about lots of different areas of Science in a fun and entertaining way.  The Professor’s demonstrations left us with our mouths open in wonder.  It gave everyone a real buzz about Science and how Science is behind…

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Image of Year 5 Science Experiment
17 March 2022

Year 5 Science Experiment

Year 5 have been learning about friction. We discussed when friction is helpful and unhelpful especially in certain sports like skiing. We carried out an experiment with jelly cubes, chopsticks and oil. We picked up the jelly cubes with the chopsticks, without oil on them first and then with oil…

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