Reception Visit Church
Reception class enjoyed visiting our parish church of St. Mary’s. They took part in a role play to explore the different parts of Baptism. They dressed the baby in a white baptismal gown and went through the stages of Baptism. Reception enjoyed their visit to church and finding out more about…
Year 2 Explore Bible Stories
In R.E. Year 2 have been learning about the Holy Bible and how it is made of two parts and 73 books. The children found out many more facts about the Bible before they used an online Children’s Bible to read stories they know and explore some new stories too.
Year 1 Creation Story Drama
In R.E. Year One are learning about the story of Creation. Today we worked in groups to act out the different days of Creation. Using their bodies Year 1 became mountains, trees, water, birds, Adam and Eve, the sun and the moon. Everyone worked fantastically to bring the Creation story to life.
Y5 Mass - Feast of the Sacred Heart
Year 5 went to mass today to celebrate The Feast of the Sacred Heart.
Year 3 celebrated St. Mary’s feast day, The Visitation.
Year 3 children dressed in blue, learnt about the Visitation, made miraculous medals, created prayer books and said the Rosary. We had a great day.
Year 2 Celebrating Mary in May 2024
Year 2 dressed up in blue to celebrate Saint Mary. The children learned all about how Catholics celebrate Mary during the month of May. Then they found out how Mary has many different names all around the world. They had great fun finding out the names that different countries call her.
Feast of St Mary
Year 6 took part in a special service at St Mary’s Church to celebrate the month of Mary alongside representatives from other local schools. They sang beautifully in church and placed their flowers on the alter at the Grotto.
Good News in Reception
Reception learnt about the ‘Good News’ Jesus spread. They listened to the Bible story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ and reflected on the message within the story. During worship time Reception shared when they have spread good news by showing acts of kindness and following in Jesus’ footsteps. They…
Reception’s class saint, St George
Reception celebrated St George’s Day, who is our class saint by wearing red. We made our own St George’s flags and created a mask from the story of St George, a dragon, a princess or his horse. We learnt about his life and how he was a good man. We also created the cross from the flag with our red…
Stations of the Cross 2024
Year 6 worked collaboratively to produce artistic interpretations of the Stations of the Cross in preparation for our Easter Service.
Easter Fun in Year 2 2024
Last week in R.E. the Year 2 children went outdoors to act out the story of the events on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. They reflected on how he died for us and came back to life. This week they have been thinking about how they give thanks and what for. Then they acted out the story of the Last…
Bishop Swarbrick Visits Year 5
Year 5 were honoured to be visited by Bishop Swarbrick today after they wrote to him to ask him questions about being a Bishop. He was kind enough to give up his time to come into school to answer them. Every child in the class had a chance to ask a question and the children were captivated and…