Year 4 Virtues Hunt
In RE, we have been learning about the theological virtues of faith, love and hope. To help us in learning about how these virtues are lived out in our every day lives, we went on a hunt around school to witness faith, love and hope. Of course the hunt had to be carried out in secret! We saw…
Learning about the rosary in Reception
As it is the month of October, Reception have been learning about what the rosary is. They learnt that we use rosary beads and say prayers for each bead. The children also learnt that the rosary is said to Mary and one of the prayers is the Hail Mary. They then created their own crafts of Mary and…
Month of the Rosary Y6 2024
This month is the Month of the Rosary. Each day Year 6 have been leading prayers through the mysteries. Through each decade we meditated and reflected on the life of Jesus and Mary and thought about how we can live out our lives in the light of Jesus Christ. Some of us brought our own rosaries…
Recycling Week 2024
During Recycling Week 2024, a warning was issued highlighting that households are wasting an astonishing 1 billion items each year that could be recycled. To promote greater recycling efforts, our Laudato Si group organised a recycling poster competition. We received an amazing response from the…
Reception Rangoli Patterns
After learning about the Hindu festival ‘Diwali’ the children created some Rangoli patterns using watercolours. They learnt that the patterns can be placed outside homes to welcome visitors and to bring good luck.
Y2 Creation Artwork 2024
In R.E. Year 2 have been reflecting on God’s gift of creation and thinking about what they are grateful for. They looked at some artwork by the contemporary artist Andy Goldsworthy in which he uses natural materials to mimic natural land features and animals. The children had lots of fun finding…
Making Rosaries
Year 1 have been learning that October is the month of The Holy Rosary. They learned how to use the Rosary to say prayers by holding a bead at a time. Year 1 found out that a decade means a group of 10 and that this is how The Rosary is organised. They created their own Rosary bracelets to offer…
Garden Design and Name Competition
Congratulations to Layla and Bobbie for winning the design for our new garden which will also house a grotto for Mary. The children were asked to create a garden with a holy theme where we can all go to relax and reflect. We were impressed with all of the entries and all the children received a…
Year 5 Gardening
Another productive day in our garden planting up the tubs with our lovely plants. We learnt how deep we had to plant them and the importance of not covering the leaves with the compost. We have some budding gardeners!
Year 2 and the Month of the Rosary 2024
As it is the Month of the Rosary, Year 2 have been praying the rosary. They have shown respect and reverence throughout. They have spent some time learning about and meditating on the mysteries of Jesus’ life so that they may draw closer to him through the intercession of Mary. They know that with…
Luke Murphy Award Assembly 2024
To celebrate Saint Luke’s Day on Friday, we held our annual assembly in honour of our governor, Luke Murphy. Luke made significant contributions to our school, particularly through his passion for sports, as he consistently supported all our tournaments. Each year, we present the Luke Murphy…
Mary’s meals
We had Fran from the charity, ‘Mary’s Meals’, deliver our school assembly to tell us all about the charity. We learnt all about the great work they do with all their donations and how we could help in the future, even by just sharing their story. This is something our Ethos group will support with…