Year 4 St Joseph’s Day 2025
In Year 4, our class saint is Saint Joseph. His feast day is celebrated on the 19th March. To celebrate this day, we all wore green and brown which are the colours associated with him. We then learned about his life and how his special day is celebrated in other countries across the world.
St. Patrick’s Day in Year 5
Today, Year 5 celebrated the Feast Day of St. Patrick, their class saint. To mark the occasion, they dressed in green. The children learned about St. Patrick’s life and created fact files that highlighted key moments from his journey. They had fun making and decorating shamrock biscuits and also…
Nursery Celebrate Pancake Day 2025
Nursery loved celebrating pancake day yesterday! They had a variety of toppings to choose from including jam, butter or chocolate sauce. Can you guess which was the most popular choice?
Celebrating St David’s Day 2025 in Year 2
As tomorrow is the 1st March, Year 2 have been finding out about their class saint, Saint David. They learned about his life and why he became a saint. They watched videos of children preparing for and celebrating St David’s Day. Afterwards they shared Welsh cakes and wrote fact files about him on…
Year 5 and 6 Attend Mass
Today, Year 5 and 6 went to mass at St. Mary’s Church. In one of the Bible readings, we learned how wonderful it is to find a friend who is faithful to us, and that having such a friend is like finding a treasure that we should cherish. We also learned from the gospel reading that to enter the…
Year 1 Wear Red for Love and Justice
Today Year 1 wore red to promote the Pope’s message of love and justice in the world. They created their own Valentine’s cards after listening to the story of St. Valentine to surprise family members at home with.
Year 3 wear red for the Pope’s intention.
As instructed by Pope Francis, Year 3 stand up against injustice and prejudice, instead they promoted love today. They made cards for the people that they love and considered Scripture from Corinthians that explains what love is ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Love and Justice in Year 5
In Year 5 we have been promoting the Pope’s message of love and social justice by making cards to send to our families to show how much we love and appreciate them.
Reception - learning about Hinduism
On Friday 7th February, the Reception class enjoyed a visit from Mr and Mrs Chaudhary to learn about the religion of Hinduism. The Reception children gained an insight into Hinduism, the Gods and Goddesses, places of worship and the life of a Hindu person. Mrs Chaudhary wore a beautiful sari,…
Year 2 Celebrating St Bridget’s Day 2025
Year 2 have spent some time learning about their school saint St Bridget. They found out about her life and how she came to build a monastery. They found out that houses in Ireland would have a cross as they enter the house to help protect it and those who live in there. Catholics would say St…
St Bridget’s Day Y6 2025
To celebrate St Bridget’s Day, Year 6 created some artwork to illustrate the essence of St. Bridget, for the love and generosity she had for those who found life tough and her dedication to helping others. In the spirit of St Bridget, we gifted our artwork to Growing Well in Egremont together with…
Year 3 celebrate St. Bridget’s Feast Day 2025
Year 3 celebrated St. Bridget’s Feast day which is in the 1st of February. We went to Mass, sang her hymn, said her prayer and made prayer cards to give to the elderly and sick. We had a fantastic time learning all about our Patron’s early life, her cloak and her cross. She was a very kind lady…