Reception Class Learn about the Hindu Faith
Reception class welcomed Sarika and Deepak today. They came to help us learn about Hinduism. What is means to be a Hindu and about where in the world it originated. We were fascinated to learn about all the different parts to being a Hindu. Deepak showed us videos and pictures of temples and of…
Learning About Our Parish Family
Today Year 1 welcomed Mrs O’Neil into class. Mrs O’Neil is a cleaner in our school and is also an aunt of one of the children in the class. In R.E. we are learning about who is in our parish family and the roles people play. Mrs O’Neil explained the difference between doing a paid job and job…
Books! Glorious Books!
During R.E., Year 6 discussed the significance of books in our lives now and in the past, how this has evolved and what it might look like in the future. They identified the wide range of types of books available and the different reasons some books are precious. They enjoyed reminiscing about…
Y1 Epiphany Crowns
Year 1 learnt about the Epiphany. They found out that this is also known as the Three Kings Day. It is a Christian feast day which falls on the 6th January. It is a special day when people celebrate how a star led the Three Kings (Wise Men) to visit the baby Jesus after he had been born. After…
The Sleepy Shepherd
Today the Year 2 children performed their Christmas play for the whole school in the morning then for their families in the afternoon. All the children have been working hard to learn all the songs and lines. Both audiences were dazzled and amazed by the beautiful singing and dancing. What a…
Toby’s Christmas Drum
Our fabulous Reception class gave their best performance of our nativity, Toby’s Christmas Drum. They sang and did all the actions and spoke very loud if they had a line. We are so proud of them!
Catholic Schools Advent Service
On Tuesday, our Y5 and Y6 children travelled to St Begh’s in Whitehaven to join other local Catholic schools for a celebration of the holy season of Advent. Our children sang Maranatha absolutely beautifully. It was a lovely service and served to prepare us for the coming of our Lord at…
Celebrating Diwali in Nursery
This week we have started to learn a little bit about Diwali. We have learnt that it is the Hindu festival of light.
We have been looking at Rangoli patterns. We noticed that they were often in a circular shape.
We had a go at creating our own Rangoli patterns using the shapes on our light…
RE: welcome in Nursery
This week in RE we have been learning about Welcome!
We discussed what welcome means, lots of children said when someone comes in. We thought about the ways we feel welcome in Nursery and what we do. The children shared ideas of singing good morning songs, waving, smiling, saying hello, and…
Liturgical Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary 2023
In honour of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7th, Year 4 have been learning about why and how Christian’s pray the rosary. They have also been learning about the mysteries and how to quietly reflect whilst praying them.
Me and My Family
This week we have been finding out about our families.
We used family photos to help us create our pebble families, showing who we lived with. We also talked about the members of our family who live in different houses to us.
We then talked about our names and how they were unique and special…
Year 3 celebrate May with their Class Saint - St. Mary
Year 3 have been praying the Rosary during the month of May and wore blue to celebrate their class Saint, St. Mary.
They wrote prayers, prayed the rosary, made miraculous medals to take home and coloured their own St.Mary stained glass window. They learnt about St. Mary and why she was a Saint,…