Year 5/6 Multi- Skills Tournament
Y5 and 6 representatives had a wonderful time at the Multi Skills Tournament. They enjoyed activities like table tennis, hula hooping, and trampolining. Everyone displayed fantastic teamwork and had fun trying out new sports!
Year 5 Celebrate St. Bridget’s Day
To celebrate St. Bridget’s feast day on February 1st, Year 5 created cards with chocolates inside and handed them out on Egremont Main Street. We’re following in St. Bridget’s footsteps by spreading kindness and care to others.
Reindeer Run Certificates and Medals Y6 2025
- A huge well done to everyone in Y6 who participated in the Reindeer Run to raise money for children who need extra support.
Year 3 Stone Age trip
Year 3 enjoyed cementing their knowledge with their end of Topic trip about Stone Age to Iron Age. They created a human timeline, looked at artefacts, had a picnic lunch and then enjoyed a sunshine play in the park. A great day.
Reception Reindeer Run
Reception were delighted to receive their Reindeer Run certificates and medals for being super fundraisers. They were thrilled to find out how the money they raised will help other children in need.
Year of Jubilee Launch Year 5
Today we launched the Year of Jubilee, which is themed "Pilgrims of Hope." We reflected on Pope Francis's words about demonstrating our status as pilgrims of hope through our actions and words, showing patience, courage, and forgiveness. We revisited the parable of the Prodigal Son and…
Multi-skills Tournament KS2
Today, KS2 representatives participated in a Multi-Skills Tournament at St. Bees School and secured 2nd place! The children demonstrated their abilities in throwing, catching, striking, kicking, coordination, running, and jumping. They all worked together as a team to achieve this great…
Swimming in Year 5
Year 5 had an amazing week at Copeland Pool, where they worked on enhancing their swimming skills. As the week went on, their confidence and stamina noticeably improved. They also had great fun participating in 'noodle' races, playing sharks, and diving down to retrieve items from the bottom of…
Laudato Si Group Organise Use of Recyclable Glue Sticks
The Laudato Si group was shocked to discover that around 2,000 glue sticks from each school end up in landfill sites every year. In response, we reached out to Mrs. Smith to propose the use of recyclable glue sticks. We're pleased to share that all the glue has arrived, and we're excited to start…
Epiphany Prayer and Liturgy in Year 5
Today, Year 5 pupils led a Prayer and Liturgy centered around the theme of Epiphany. They learned that "Epiphany" means "to reveal," and on this feast, we celebrate the moment when Jesus was revealed to the wise men after their long journey following the star. The discovery brought them great joy,…
Year 6 Reindeer Run with Nursery 2024
Year 6 enjoyed their sponsored Reindeer Run with Nursery in aid of Jigsaw - Cumbria’s Children’s Hospice who provide daily care to children living with life limiting illnesses. In spite of the chilly wind, we all managed to run numerous laps and have have lots of fun together raising money for one…
Year 4 Christmas Lunch 2024
Year 4 have enjoyed a very merry and delicious Christmas Lunch together. The food was delicious and all of the children had a wonderful time.