Rainbow Wraps
The Year 1 chefs have been busy creating some tasty ‘Rainbow Wraps’. They learnt to peel and grate carrots, courgettes and apple. They found out why colourful natural foods can be healthier. Year 1 found out that ‘ribboning’ means to slice food such as vegetables into long, thin strips. It was…
Mr Wolf’s pancakes
After reading the story of ‘Mr Wolf’s pancakes’ in English this week, we had our own pancakes with jam or chocolate on them. We thought the story was very funny, when the wolf gobbled up all the characters and then the pancakes too!
Design and Technology in Year 5
As part of their design and technology topic year 5 were tasked with the job of designing a safety armband. It had to be clearly seen in the day and at night. It must be easy to attach over school uniform and have a fastening. It needed to stay on securely while walking, cycling or scooting and…
Tantalizing Tortilla Quiche
Year 2 have been learning about the benefits of protein in their diet and that eggs are a great source of protein. The children thoroughly enjoyed making tortilla quiche using their new found cutting skills. What a delicious treat they had when they were cooked!
Making Jam Jar Salad in Year 2 2025
In Design Technology our Year 2 children have been finding about the difference between processed and unprocessed food including which is healthier for them. Then they learned how to cut food using a claw grip and a bridge grip. They took great care when cutting the fruit and vegetables needed to…
Year 4 Textiles
In DT we have moved on to our Textiles block where we are trying to solve the problem ‘How do you keep a tea towel from slipping off a hook?’
First, we identified the problem and researched the different types of fastenings. Then, we practiced using running stitch to attach fastenings (we chose…
Design and Technology Year 5
In Design and Technology, Year 5 children tested different materials to explore their properties, such as being hard, soft, rough, smooth, foldable, waterproof, man-made, or natural. They were searching for a durable material to create a bag, and after their tests, they concluded that denim would…
Our model clay aliens
During our topic of Space we have been learning about astronauts and aliens that appear in stories, such as ‘The Smeds and the Smoos’. The children have then been creating their own model clay aliens. We are currently at the stage of waiting for them to dry, so we can then paint them and create…
Design & Technology - Building towers
Year One had a fantastic time building towers from their own tower designs. They used the new joining skills they have learned and made sure they had a wide base for stability. Well done to our excellent Year One architects.
Year 3 make healthy chips
Year 3 and team Steads made some delicious and healthy chips. They have been learning about a healthy balanced diet and carbohydrates are important for energy. We want to eat chips but avoid too much fat. We used olive oil, herbs and semolina to make them extra tasty and crunchy. We cooked them in…
Christmas crafting decorations in Reception
In Reception we have been getting in the Christmas spirit by making our own Christmas decorations. This week we have been making reindeers, by adding a pom pom nose and eyes.
Making Samosas in Year 6 2024
As part of their topic in DT about street foods, Year 6 made Samosas using fresh ingredients. They have learned about how easy it is to make healthy snacks using fresh ingredients. Many learned about and tasted a new food from a different country for the first time. Yum yum