Image of Making Burritos in Y6 2024
14 November 2024

Making Burritos in Y6 2024

In Design and Technology, Year 6 are learning about healthy snacks by exploring street foods from around the world. This week we used knife skills to create our own burritos which originate from Mexico. We talked about how we could personalise our burritos by using different ingredients. 

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Image of Year 5 Make Flat Bread and Smorrebrod
8 November 2024

Year 5 Make Flat Bread and Smorrebrod

In D&T year 5 have been learning about food and nutrition. They learnt about different types of bread that are eaten around the world and made their own unleavened flat bread which they enjoyed eating with garlic butter. 
They also learnt that in Denmark they eat a type of bread called rye bread…

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Image of Design and Technology- Making pictures move!
23 October 2024

Design and Technology- Making pictures move!

Design and technology 
As part of our making sliders topic, we have been researching different types of sliders. We looked at how they are used in pop-up books, drawers, curtain rails, train tracks and rollercoasters. We used what we found out to help us make our own sliders.


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Image of Vegetable Kebabs in Year 1
23 May 2024

Vegetable Kebabs in Year 1

The Year 1 Chefs have been busy again cooking up a storm with some delicious ‘Vegetable Kebabs’.  The children used their knife skills to cut the veg into chunky pieces suitable for going on the skewers. The chefs explored how a marinade is created to add flavour. They created a marinade using…

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Image of Crudités Chefs
2 May 2024

Crudités Chefs

Year 1 tackled making crudités with peppers, cucumber and carrots. They developed their knife skills by learning how to use the claw and bridge technique to keep fingers safe. To compliment the crudités, they made a simple tzatziki dip by using Greek yoghurt, mint and cucumber. Year 1 recapped how…

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Image of Year 1 Chefs make ‘Rainbow Wraps’
26 April 2024

Year 1 Chefs make ‘Rainbow Wraps’

Year 1 are learning about food and nutrition in Design and Technology. By making ‘Rainbow Wraps’, they explored the sensory qualities of food. They were given the opportunity to experiment with new flavours and textures. Year 1 were taught the culinary skills of using a grater and ‘ribboning’ by…

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Making bread for St Joseph’s Day
14 March 2024

Making bread for St Joseph’s Day

Year 4 made bread today - this links to our work on St Joseph’s Day and the symbolism of the different shapes of bread. The children worked as a team to design and make their own bread. 

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Image of Hammer and nail skills
7 March 2024

Hammer and nail skills

In Reception we have been learning how to use a hammer and nails safely. The children put on their safety clothes such as a hat, googles and vest. They then learnt how to hold the nail correctly and hit it with the hammer without hitting their finger. Lots of construction workers in the…

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Year 4 Sewing
28 February 2024

Year 4 Sewing

Over the last few weeks, Year 4 have been extremely busy sewing. They have investigated a variety of fastenings such as press studs, buttons and velcro. They have refined their skills and created their own fastening for a tea towel using a button. They were all a great success and the children are…

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Image of Making Healthy Crisps
27 February 2024

Making Healthy Crisps

Year 2 have been learning about what it means to be healthy. In a previous lesson the children carried out a survey about the favourite crisp flavours of the class. They also learned about how crisps are made and the healthy alternatives that could be used to make them. Today the children used…

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Image of How Strong is a Piece of Spaghetti?
9 February 2024

How Strong is a Piece of Spaghetti?


As part of their Design and Technology, Year 6 have been learning about how structures are strengthened and stabilised using a guyed mast and flying buttress. They then used their knowledge to design and create their own structure using spaghetti and marshmallows. They had to consider…

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Image of Sturdy Structures
25 January 2024

Sturdy Structures

As part of their Design and Technology topic about structures, Year 6 experimented with spaghetti to test the strength of structures. By trial and error they found ways to make a sturdy structure that could withstand the weight of objects.  

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