Year 1 find out ‘Can you build with bread?’
In our D&T lessons we have been investigating answering ‘Can you build with bread?’. We have been building a house for the three little pigs. After investigating we decided to heat the bread first to make toast as it is more sturdy for building with. We made our own cement choosing our own…
D&T skills in Reception
In Reception we were learning some new D&T skills using different tools. We used a hammer to hit a nail into wood and also use pliers to pull the nail out. We learned some safety rules and wore protective goggles too.
STEM Story Time in Y5
Year 5 took part in a live STEM session today. They learnt all about what an engineer does and had the privilege of listening to Helen and Drew telling has all about their careers as engineers. They learnt how important science, maths, engineering and technology are and were able to ask questions…
Y6 Salad Making in D&T
Y6 have been learning about the importance of foods which make our bodies function well with the right balance of nutrients, flavours and textures. We discovered that we eat with our eyes and our food needs to look appetising as well taste good. A range of our skills were put into practice as we…
Y6 D&T Does food affect the way you feel?
Y6 have been asking the question: does food affect the way you feel? They considered how the right sorts of carbohydrates can give you energy and improve performance as fuel for our bodies. Together they created a pasta sauce using onions, garlic and tomatoes with herbs then added pasta to it to…
Year 5 Cyclewise 2023
Year 5 have had a great week completing Cyclewise. They have learnt lots of new skills to keep them safer when cycling on the roads. To enhance their safety further all the children designed and made a high visibility armband to wear when they are out on darker days.
Year 1 Chefs make Vegetable Kebabs
In Design and Technology Year 1 have been learning about food and nutrition. We have already made Rainbow Wraps and today we created Vegetable Kebabs. We used courgettes, red, yellow and green peppers, cherry tomatoes and mushrooms. We used all the cutting techniques to chop the vegetables safely.…
Learning about Chinese New Year
In Reception we were learning about how people celebrate Chinese New Year. The children made a moving dragon and we learnt that dragons are good luck and bring power and strength to people. The children used good scissor control to cut out the dragon and we used some joining techniques to make…
Year 1 D & T Structures
In Design and Technology Year 1 have been exploring ‘Structures’. They have built up their engineering knowledge about what is needed to make a structure sturdy and safe. We researched famous buildings such as ‘The Leaning Tower of Pisa’ in Italy and looked at what created its famous lean and…
Tortilla quiche
The children have been learning about the benefits of eggs in their design technology lesson. They also found out about what it means to be a free range hen. The children prepared the ingredients using the bridge and claw techniques. The quiches were enjoyed by most of the children. What a treat…
Making jam jar salad
In design technology the Year 2 children have been thinking about what being healthy means. They learned about the difference between processed and unprocessed foods and which is healthier for us. They also found out that fruit and vegetables provide us with nutrients to help us stay healthy. The…
Food and Nutrition
What’s really in your food?
Year 4 are well on their way to being chefs now! Today they compared the ingredients of tinned and homemade soup then made their own tomato soup.