Fencing in Reception
In Reception we had the opportunity to have a fencing session with a coach. The children learnt different skills including team work and wearing protective clothing. They had a great time and said they really enjoyed fencing.
Year 3 Fabulous Fencing
Year 3 had a great time learning how to fence properly. They learnt new moves, defence and offence. They had so much fun!
Fencing workshop
Today Darren from Fit Fence visited school to give all classes an introduction to fencing in a fun and safe way. The Year 2 children learned the basic skills and techniques using foam swords and masks. They were taught the terminology used in fencing and were introduced to the concepts of…
Making Fresh Pizza
As part of our Design and Technology, Year 4 have been learning about the differences between processed and homemade foods. Today they followed a recipe to make a pizza from scratch. They used Greek Yogurt instead of yeast. They learned how to mix the ingredients together and then how to knead the…
Introduction to Fencing
We were privileged to welcome a Fencing coach into school today. Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their introduction into an Olympic sport.
Celebrating Bonfire night
Reception celebrated Bonfire night by learning about why we celebrate with fireworks on the 5th of November. We had a few small fireworks with Nursery and then Reception had some sparklers. We knew how to be safe after learning about firework and sparkler safety.
Y6 Fencing Session
Y6 enjoyed trying out a new sport - fencing. They learnt several new moves and how to block and attack an opponent. They enjoyed wearing the body armour and protective face masks. It was brilliant to learn new skills and sample new sports.
Fencing in Year 5
Year 5 had a fantastic time learning how to fence during our workshop. They learnt how to travel forwards and backwards, how to defend themselves and how to attack their opponent. All the children said they enjoyed this new experience.
Times Tables Tips
Year 4 have been learning about how to use their fingers to help find out multiples of 9.
Poetry with a Conscience
What talent we have in our school! This poem was written at home for pleasure. Not only does it rhyme, it contains a powerful, relevant and compelling message.
Nursery: The Dot
This week our older children have been reading the story - The Dot. In the story we met a little girl called Vashti who thought she couldn’t do any art. By the end of the story she discovered that she could, all she had to do was make a mark - a dot.
We were feeling inspired by Vashti and…
RE: welcome in Nursery
This week in RE we have been learning about Welcome!
We discussed what welcome means, lots of children said when someone comes in. We thought about the ways we feel welcome in Nursery and what we do. The children shared ideas of singing good morning songs, waving, smiling, saying hello, and…