Today our new Happiness Ninjas from Y2-Y6 were out at their training gala. They learnt how to always be the best version of themselves and not to wait for Fridays to be happy.
The children were each given a wristband by ‘The Marathon Man’ Gary McGee, who shared that whenever you feel tired and like you can’t go on, think of me using the wrist band to help the thought. The children were told ‘your superpower is your smile’.
A key moment from the day was when the children were asked to choose a staff member to leave the room, and they were asked to share why their chosen staff ember should win a prize. Out of all the schools there, they could only choose two winners. Lucia shared the following reasons why our beloved Mrs Stead should get one - “kind, volunteers everyday without being paid, positive, helpful, reads with us, helps on school trips, bakes and sews with us”.