Safer Internet Day in Year 4
For Safer Internet Day in Year 4, we have been researching Roblox. We discovered that it is a very popular app in our class with almost all of the children having played it before. We learned about the pros and the cons of the app. We held a class discussion and then made our own information…
Year 4 Swimming 2025
Year 4 have been super swimmers this week! We have seen such wonderful resilience, team work and effort and all of the children should be very proud of themselves. The swim coaches even chose three swimmers of the week
Safer Internet Day in Year 5
Year 5 have been learning how to be safer when using YouTube. They discovered lots of ways they can still use while protecting themselves from harmful content. They made posters to share their findings with the rest of the school.
Year 4 Love & Social Justice 2025
To promote the Pope’s message of love and social justice, in Year 4 we have thought about how we can spread this message in our communities. We have set ourselves a mission of showing love, fairness and kindness to all those around us and to treat others how we want to be treated. We have also…
Learning about internet safety in Reception linked to the story Chicken clicking
After reading the story of ‘Chicken Clicking’, the children in Reception drew the chicken and wrote a rule about being safe on the internet. They also did a Dojo task at home, recapping on the story and writing some rules of how to keep safe, including not buying all those…
Mr Wolf’s pancakes
After reading the story of ‘Mr Wolf’s pancakes’ in English this week, we had our own pancakes with jam or chocolate on them. We thought the story was very funny, when the wolf gobbled up all the characters and then the pancakes too!
Library Visit Y6 12.02.25
Year 6 visited their local library this afternoon to return the book(s) they withdrew on their last visit and to choose a new book. They are becoming very independent at using the library systems.
Reception - learning about Hinduism
On Friday 7th February, the Reception class enjoyed a visit from Mr and Mrs Chaudhary to learn about the religion of Hinduism. The Reception children gained an insight into Hinduism, the Gods and Goddesses, places of worship and the life of a Hindu person. Mrs Chaudhary wore a beautiful sari,…
Nursery Celebrate Valentines Day
This week in Nursery we have been celebrating Valentine’s Day!
We have created a Valentines craft to take home and give to someone we care about.
We have also had a love potions messy tray, where we have loved exploring the pink coloured water and flower petals.
Finally, we decorated a…
Science Workshop Y5 and 6
Year 5 and 6 took part in a science workshop at St. Bees school. They found out that using different chemicals in flames changes the colour, and they had a a great time making popping sounds by putting a flame in a test tube with gas. They also were fascinated watching their friends' hair stand on…
Year 1 Gymnastics
Year 1 have enjoyed their sessions with our fantastic gymnastics coach Natalie. They have learned many different stretches, balances, jumps and landings. They have all showed determination and enthusiasm in their learning.
Safer Internet Day 2025 in Year 2
This year’s theme for Safer internet Day is ‘Too Good to be True? Protecting yourself and Others from Scams Online.’ Year 2 looked at the pros and the cons of playing Minecraft including how they could be scammed when playing it. They learnt about the importance of always seeking the permission of…