Year 5 World Book Day 2025
Year 5 had a really busy day for World Book Day! We visited the library to pick out a book and enjoyed some quiet time reading it. We launched our new book, "The Boy in the Tower” and listened to the 1st two chapters where Ade describes what he can see from his tower block window. We then drew…
World Book Day Share a Book YR & Y6
This afternoon, Reception shared a book with Y6. There was lots giggles and laughter as they enjoyed the story and the illustrations. A great way to end World Book Day.
Reception World Book Day
Today the Reception children had the pleasure of sharing a book with the Year 6 children. They’ve all thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, sharing stories and lots of giggles.
Nursery World Book Day 2025
Nursery have loved celebrating world book day today! We came to school dress up as our favourite character and enjoyed sharing a story with Year 4.
Year 3 celebrate World Book Day 2025
Year 3 had a great World Book Day spending time colouring in, doing word searches, reading to Miss Carty and reading stories to the Year 1 children. They all looked great in their costumes and pjs.
Y1 World Book Day Shared Family Read
Today Year 1 celebrated World Book Day by inviting our families in for story time. After enjoying a whole class story everyone shared books together. It was amazing to see everyone reading for pleasure. Thank you to all our families for coming to join us.
Career’s Fair Y6 2025
Year 6 attended a Career’s Fair organised by Primary Business Partnership and delivered by Centre for Leadership Performance in association with OneAIM and Sellafield Ltd SiX. Throughout the afternoon, they visited many stalls where they learned about the different industries in their locality. It…
Nursery Celebrate Pancake Day 2025
Nursery loved celebrating pancake day yesterday! They had a variety of toppings to choose from including jam, butter or chocolate sauce. Can you guess which was the most popular choice?
Nursery Computing: Painting bugs
After making our handprint minibeasts some children had a go at using the paint program on Purple Mash to paint and create some more minibeasts and bugs. Some children chose templates to paint while others had a go at painting their bug from scratch.
Following instructions and making toast
In Maths this week Reception have been learning how to follow a three step instruction in order. They followed the instructions to get the toast, spread their chosen topping and then cut it. Lots of children were so pleased that they did this task independently and also they got to eat the warm,…
Year 3 Super Swimmers
Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed swimming this week. They have really boosted their water confidence and had a great time. There are some very determined and tired children this week. Well done Year 3.
Celebrating St David’s Day 2025 in Year 2
As tomorrow is the 1st March, Year 2 have been finding out about their class saint, Saint David. They learned about his life and why he became a saint. They watched videos of children preparing for and celebrating St David’s Day. Afterwards they shared Welsh cakes and wrote fact files about him on…