Year 5 and 6 Attend Mass
Today, Year 5 and 6 went to mass at St. Mary’s Church. In one of the Bible readings, we learned how wonderful it is to find a friend who is faithful to us, and that having such a friend is like finding a treasure that we should cherish. We also learned from the gospel reading that to enter the…
Year 4 Dance
This week we have started our Spring 2 half term with dance in PE. We worked in pairs to create routines to the count of 8. We included steps, spins and turns to build our routines. We then performed our steps for the class to see.
Rainbow Wraps
The Year 1 chefs have been busy creating some tasty ‘Rainbow Wraps’. They learnt to peel and grate carrots, courgettes and apple. They found out why colourful natural foods can be healthier. Year 1 found out that ‘ribboning’ means to slice food such as vegetables into long, thin strips. It was…
Nursery 2025 Mini beasts
This week in Nursery we started our new topic ‘How does your garden and its creatures grow?’.
We had a go at painting and creating our very own minibeasts using our hand prints!
Prayer and Liturgy in Year 5
This week's Prayer and Liturgy centered on the theme of "Love your enemies." Our prayer leaders organised the session, encouraging everyone to sit in a heart shape to emphasise the theme of love. We read from the Gospel of Luke, which shares Jesus' teachings on loving our enemies. We talked about…
Year 1 Wear Red for Love and Justice
Today Year 1 wore red to promote the Pope’s message of love and justice in the world. They created their own Valentine’s cards after listening to the story of St. Valentine to surprise family members at home with.
Dream Jobs Y6 2025
Bill from the STEM team joined us this afternoon to open our minds about the multitude possibilities that are available to us after we leave education. We thought about what jobs we currently would like to do as an adult, the most dangerous jobs and the jobs our parents would want us to do. We…
Safer Internet Week Y6 2025
As part of Safe Internet Week, Year 6 have been looking at the age classifications for games and social media. We learned about the purpose of age classifications and how they are put in place to keep us safe. We discussed the various types of content that is appropriate for different age groups…
Year 3 wear red for the Pope’s intention.
As instructed by Pope Francis, Year 3 stand up against injustice and prejudice, instead they promoted love today. They made cards for the people that they love and considered Scripture from Corinthians that explains what love is ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Saint Valentine’s Day Y6 2025
Today we celebrated the acts of kindness carried out by Saint Valentine and the love that he shared by wearing red to school. We also promoted the Pope’s intentions of love social justice. We have had many discussions surrounding the various forms social injustice around the world over the…
Year 2 Wear Red for the Pope’s Intention
Year 2 dressed in red for the Pope’s Intention to share love and social justice. As it is also St Valentine’s Day the children learned about who he was then they made a Valentine’s Card for someone in their family to show their love for them. The cards told the recipients exactly why they love…
Love and Justice in Year 5
In Year 5 we have been promoting the Pope’s message of love and social justice by making cards to send to our families to show how much we love and appreciate them.