Year 4 Taster Day in Y5
Year 4 enjoyed spending time in Y5 today with their new teachers. They learnt all about the routines and expectations of Y 5. They also visited the Book Bus and all picked a book to put in our class library.
Move up Day to Reception 2024
Our Nursery children enjoyed a ‘move up day’ into Reception. We read some stories, made pirate hats and drew self portraits and explored the provision. We had lots of fun getting to know Mrs Palmer, Mrs Bear and Mrs Leslie.
Moving up to Year 1
Reception had a fantastic morning in Year 1. They enjoyed meeting Mrs Bond, Mrs Robson and Mrs Benn. They had a great time exploring the classroom and getting to know their new teachers.
Ukulele Performance By Year 5
This year, Year 5 have been learning how to play the ukulele. Throughout the year they have learnt how to play a total of 5 chords which is great progress for an academic year. Using these chords they were able to play songs from Taylor Swift, Imagine Dragons and Bill Withers at their end of year…
Move Up Day Year 6 2024
Welcome to Year 6! What a lovely morning we had reacquainting ourselves. First, we devised our Learning Charter together then we took part in a quiz. Finally, we went onto the Book Bus to select the library books to have in our class from Autumn term.
Library Bus Fun in Year 1
Year 1 had a fantastic time visiting the Library bus. We enjoyed listening to a story from Claire the Librarian and choosing new books for class.
Making Tally Marks July 2024
Year 2 started work on statistics in maths. The first lesson was looking at how to use tally marks to show different numbers in data collected. The children found it much easier to count when they grouped the marks in fives. Soon they will be able to use them to record their own findings in a…
Move Up Day to Year 2 2024
Year 1 went to spend the morning in Year 2 getting to know their new teachers and classroom. The children listened to a reading of the story called ‘The Dot’ by Peter Reynolds and sang the song about it. They thought about how the character thought he couldn’t do something but it turned out that…
School Games 2024
We had a great day representing Copeland at the School Games in Carlisle playing tri-golf.
Fantastic Phonics in Year 1
We are delighted to celebrate our fantastic phonics screening results. All the children have worked incredibly hard to prepare. Thank you to our parents for all their support at home. Everyone received a certificate and a treat. Well done Year 1 superstars.
Small world structures
In Maths this week we have been continuing our work on positional language and giving directions. The children made their own small world structure and added people and animals. They then sat on either side of the structure, picked a character and told their partner where it was using positional…
Year 2 SummerReading Challenge Library Visit 2024
Year 2 visited Egremont Library to find out all about how they can join and become involved in the Summer Reading Challenge. Sarah talked to the children about the challenge and got the children to look around the library to find books of different genres. The children were fascinated to see all…