Year 1 Creation Story Drama
In R.E. Year One are learning about the story of Creation. Today we worked in groups to act out the different days of Creation. Using their bodies Year 1 became mountains, trees, water, birds, Adam and Eve, the sun and the moon. Everyone worked fantastically to bring the Creation story to life.
Year 4 Maths Flexible Partitioning 2024
In Year 4 this week the children have been master mathematicians, flexibly partitioning different numbers. We have been using base ten and place value counters to create different ways of partitioning numbers up to 10,000…and challenging each other to create as many combinations as…
Drawing Fruit and Vegetables Y6 2024
As part of their art topic, Year 6 have been learning how to use lines to create areas of light and dark, texture and movement, shape and capture patterns. After studying the work of illustrator Chris Riddle, they closely observed the shapes and patterns of different fruits and vegetables to…
First Multiskills Session of the School Year 2024
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their first Multiskills session with their new coach Liam. The session focused on changing speed and direction. The children showed determination and passion to complete all the activities to their best ability and had great fun while doing so.
Ukulele in Year 5
Year 5 have enjoyed their first ukulele lesson today. They learnt the difference between rhythm and pulse and practised playing short and long sounds in time with a song. They also learnt how to hold the ukulele correctly. They were all so enthusiastic and keen to join
Observation Skills in Science 2024
Year 2’s first science lesson of the new school year focused on observation skills. The children used their senses to observe and describe a collection of rocks and shells in class, before going outdoors to explore and closely observe plants and animals in the school grounds. The children were…
Reception’s first week 2024
Our new Reception class have enjoyed learning in our indoor and outdoor provision this week and getting to know our new classroom and routines. We read the story of ‘The Colour Monster’ and joined in with lots of number rhymes. We also played with the Beebots and started to learn some new sounds…
Our first few days in Nursery
What a wonderful first few days back in Nursery we have had! We have loved to meet all our new children and families.
We have explored the Nursery provision both inside and out, had a go at dough disco, sang Nursery rhymes and loved being outside in the sunshine!
Our Reception year
Look how much our Reception children have grown in a year from their first week in Reception to their last. Good Luck in Year 1!
Nursery Class of 2024
Our Nursery 1 children, Class of 2024!
We are beyond proud of all your hard work this year! You have all grown so much and we have seen your little personalities shine!
We wish you all the luck as you move up to Reception in September!
PE Fun with the Parachute
Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their PE session today with the parachute and lots of sunshine.
Lowther Castle - End of Year Trip
What a fabulous time we’ve all had at Lowther. The sunshine even made an appearance. Lots of fun, running around and giggles were had by all. A really lovely end to the term.