Nursery: Maths Patterns
We have had lots of fun so far this week using the multi link cubes to make an AB repeating pattern.
At first some of the cubes were a bit tricky to click together but we got the hang of it in the end.
Exploring the School Grounds for Geography June 2024
As part of a geography unit on fieldwork and map skills, the Year 2 children have been exploring the school grounds to find physical and human features that they will need, in a future lesson, to show when drawing their own maps of the school grounds. The children also took the opportunity to play…
Geography - Year 3 OS Map Reading
Year 3 have been studying OS maps, looking at our local area and learning to find features using coordinates and symbols. They have discovered human and physical features of our local area and considered the difference between them.
Year 3 maths 14.06.24
Year 3 have been studying shapes, both 2D and 3D,. They have been learning the names and properties of the 3D shapes. They built their own 3D shapes with cubes, counting faces, vertices and edges.
Starting transitions in Reception
As the end of the Summer Term approaches we have started our transitions from Nursery to Reception. Nursery came for a visit to Reception and played in our indoor and outdoor provision. We also had our Reception children model how to play with equipment and show them around the classroom. Lots…
Sports Day 2024
Congratulations to the Blue Team for winning Sports Day 2024. A huge well done to all the children who took part in our races. All the teams showed exceptional teamwork, determination and competitiveness!
Reception and Nursery’s Sports Day 2024
Reception and Nursery took part in Sports Day with luckily no rain! They all took part in a running, jumping, backwards, climbing through hoops and egg and spoon race. They were all dressed in their team colours of green, blue, red or yellow. Everyone had a great time and showed great team spirit.…
Nursery and Reception 2024 Sports Day
What a super morning we have had for Sports Day. The children waited their turn very patiently before having a go at all the races.
The children, ran, jumped, ran backwards, went through hoops and had a go at the egg and spoon race!
Well done everyone!
Our younger Nursery children loved…
Euros 2024
Year 6 are ready for the Euros! We have had a sweepstake, we’ve got our wall chart ready to record the results and we’re very excited to see how our teams will progress.
Repeating patterns in Reception
In Maths we have been learning about repeating patterns and if you make it a repeating pattern it has to have a rule. This included using two, three or four colours to create an AB, AABB or ABC pattern. The children were great at making the pattern repeat many times and added more colours as a…
Nursery: Maths Building Towers
This week our older Nursery children have been using the Construction blocks to help them with their Maths work. They counted and identified numbers 1-5. For each number they then built a tower using that number of blocks to make it. Some children when they had added too many blocks or not enough…
Drumming with Zozo
Year 1 enjoyed their final drumming lesson with Zozo. They celebrated all their new drumming skills and progress they have made together. Zozo told more magical stories that involved interaction with movement. They enjoyed learning more African songs and playing games together. Year 1 have…