Y1 World Mental Health Awareness Day
Today Year 1 celebrated World Mental Health Awareness Day. We talked about what makes each one of us amazing. In the afternoon we made sunshine’s to remind us how brightly we all shine.
Story baking in Nursery
Nursery have been busy doing lots of baking this week linked to the different stories we have been reading.
Mindfulness in Nursery
Today for Mental Health awareness week the children made a sunflower to give to someone at home who they wanted to be kind too. They drew a picture of that person in the middle. We have also been talking about how to be kind to ourselves and others. Lots of new friendships are starting to be made…
Reception celebrates World Mental Health Day
Today we have thought about mental health. We talked about not being able to put a plaster on it when we are sad, worried or scared. We learnt about talking and some more mindfulness activities like mindful eating. We thought about how amazing we all are and have made some Marvellous…
Year 3 Mental Health Day
Year 3 looked great in their non-uniform for the day to raise money for mental health resources in school.
They enjoyed exploring their feelings, learning what emotional well-being was and how to handle negative feelings. They also enjoyed some mindful colouring and drawing. They reflected on…
Stone Age Coil Clay Pottery Making
We enjoyed making our own clay coil pots as they would have made during the Stone Age.
Year2 virtual cross country
Today the whole school took part in a virtual cross country competition. Year 2 showed great determination and stamina in running 600 metres. Well done to all the children.
Y5 Virtual Cross-Country
We all ran a mile today as part of a Virtual Cross-Country event. Everyone completed it and the class support was amazing! Well done everyone!
We love outdoor provision in all weathers!
Since coming into Nursery the children have loved being outside in the provision in all weathers. They wear waterproof suits and wellies in the rain and don’t even like wearing their coats in the sunshine. We have lots of different equipment they can use and practise their gross motor skills too.…
Dictionary skills
Year 2 have been learning how to use a dictionary to find words. They hAd great fun exploring them to find the meanings of words.
Printing patterns
In art Year 2 have been looking at printing. They explored patterns in the environment including those in nature. They used paints and objects from the classroom to create repeating patterns and adding layers to them.
Me and my avatar
Our first computing lesson of the year was on e-Safety. We thought about how our identity is seen online and how we can create an avatar to keep ourselves safe.