Image of Beowulf
22 February 2021


Year 4 have been reading the retelling of the oldest surviving Anglo-Saxon legend Beowulf, as retold by Michael Morpurgo. The focus has been on how to develop and use a rich vocabulary. 

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Image of Y4 Celebrate Chinese New Year
22 February 2021

Y4 Celebrate Chinese New Year

Year 4 learnt about some of the traditions surrounding Chinese New Year. They found out that 2021 is the year of the ox. They then chose some art activities related to Chinese New Year. 

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Image of Y5 Safer Internet Day
12 February 2021

Y5 Safer Internet Day

Year 5 enjoyed joining in the BBC live lesson on Safer Internet Usage. They learnt how the internet is a great source of information but they should always check that what they read is reliable. They made their own newspaper headlines and we all had to guess if they were real or fake. 

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Image of The Firework Maker’s Daughter Y5 work
12 February 2021

The Firework Maker’s Daughter Y5 work

Over this half term year 5 have been reading The Firework Maker’s Daughter by Philip Pullman. They have created some wonderful work related to the book including reports, diary and newspaper writing, designing fireworks, character descriptions and finally some impressive book…

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Image of Y1 Celebrate Chinese New Year
12 February 2021

Y1 Celebrate Chinese New Year

Year 1 have enjoyed learning all about Chinese New Year. We researched about the traditions, enjoyed making lanterns and  writing instructions. We even managed some Kung Fu P.E. and learnt how to say "Hello". Amelia found out how to write her name in Chinese and then we all had a go. Great work…

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Image of The Smeds and the Smoos
12 February 2021

The Smeds and the Smoos

In Nursery (at home and in schoo)l we have been reading the story, ‘The Smeds and the Smoos’. In the story the aliens Janet and Bill, who are red and blue, have a baby who is purple. The Nursery children have then been creating their own purple aliens by mixing red and blue and using different…

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Image of Y6 celebrate Chinese New Year
12 February 2021

Y6 celebrate Chinese New Year

Y6 have been learning about the significance of Chinese New Year. They learnt about some of the traditions and how it is celebrated across the world. Dragons are used in dance to show power and to chase away evil spirits and bad luck. In their art lesson, the children recreated their own dragon…

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Image of Y1 The Snail and The Whale
10 February 2021

Y1 The Snail and The Whale

Year One has enjoyed lots of activities linked to Julia Donaldson’s The Snail and The Whale. They created story maps of the original story and then created their own versions. We worked hard to spot all the rhyming words and then chose our own rhyming words to go in our own stories. We created…

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Image of Year 3 Safer Internet Day 2021
10 February 2021

Year 3 Safer Internet Day 2021

Children in Year 3 watched two live lessons and took part in several activities which made them question how far we can trust what we find online. They decided that they couldn’t trust everything they see online and know that certain measures are in place to help them to stay safe whilst online. 

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Image of Safer Internet Day 2021 with Year 2
9 February 2021

Safer Internet Day 2021 with Year 2

On Tuesday 9th February 2021 Year 2 celebrated Safer Internet Day by exploring this year’s theme: ‘An Internet we can trust in.’ They learned that not everything they see or hear on in the Internet is true. They discovered what a reliable source is and had great fun creating news articles. They…

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Image of Happiness in Nursery
9 February 2021

Happiness in Nursery

For Children’s Mental Health awareness week 2021 we spoke about what makes us happy in Nursery. The children who are in Nursery said baking and their friends, which is always nice to hear. Our children at home were happy when they were baking, colouring, dancing and even eating chocolate! We also…

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Image of Superworm
9 February 2021


After reading the story ‘Superworm’, the Nursery children who are at home made their own Superworms with playdough, beads or bricks. Superworm to the rescue! 

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