Year 3 enjoy World Book Day
Today, Year 3 celebrated World Book Day by wearing their pyjamas and sharing their favourite books. They drew alternative front covers and listened to stories before creating their own comic strip adventure.
Nursery love music
In Nursery we have a weekly musical instrument sessions where the children have the chance to play and listen to a variety of instruments. We learn how too play fast and slow and quiet and loud and also sing and play the instruments at the same time. We definitely have some budding musicians.
Y1 The Tiger Who Came to Tea
Year 1 have enjoyed reading The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr. We have created story maps by drawing, using drama and with even some help from our pets. We have learnt about the history of tea and also where in the world tea comes from. Year 1 are now experts at making a proper cuppa. It…
Y6 Lockdown Design and Technology
As part of their Design and Technology curriculum, the Y6 children who are learning from home were tasked with developing their own recipes and creating some delicious dishes in the kitchen. Dishes created ranged from cup-cakes to pizza and pasta dishes!
Celebrating St David our Class Saint
Year 2 have been learning about their class saint, Saint David, and celebrating his feast day. They found out about his life and some of the miracles he performed. The children wrote poems about St David as well as creating some artwork based on daffodils.
Lenten Leaves Y5
As part of their work on Lent year 5 thought about something they have done that they were sorry for and wrote it down on one side of the leaf. When they had finished they turned the leaf over and wrote about something good they could do for Lent. In taking part in this activity they turned over a…
Electrical Circuits
⚡️ ⚡️ Year 4 have been learning about electricity. ⚡️⚡️
They have learned all about how electricity is generated, including sustainable sources, and what is is used for. They have drawn diagrams to illustrate how to create an electrical circuit using symbols and scientific vocabulary. They have…
Pancake tasting in Nursery
Nursery made some pancakes to celebrate Pancake day. We flipped them in a frying pan and then the best part- we got to taste them! We could choose Biscoff spread, syrup, chocolate sauce or jam to go on them. Yummy.
Lent in Year 2
Year 2 have been learning about how Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts for 40 days. They found out about the significance of the ashes being placed on the forehead and what Christians do during the period of Lent to prepare for Easter. The children made posters to tell others what Christians…
Movement in Art
Year 4 observed artist Paula Reno created the illusion of movement in her painting ‘The Dance’. We looked at the use of colour and shape to create the illusion of movement in the skirts and the delicate placement of the dancers’ hands. We then applied these to draw our own sketches of a dancer.
Y1 Kindness Challenge
Year One are taking part in a Kindness Challenge during Lent. We have decided to try to help others during this time. The children have created jars or envelopes to put all their acts of kindness into. When Lent is over they will be able to look back to see just how kind they have been. We…
Y5 'Design and Make' Moon Buggies
As part of their topic on space Y5 were challenged with the task of designing and making a moon buggy with similar features to the Lunar Roving Vehicle used on the Moon in the last three missions of the American Apollo programme during 1971 and 1972. As you can see they all did a great job!