African Drumming in Year 1
Year 1 had a fantastic time learning about African Drumming with Zozo. They learnt that the drum is called ‘djembe’ and how to tap it correctly. Year 1 loved learning the song ‘Ranky Tank’ and listening to Zozo’s stories. Everyone is looking forward to the next lesson.
Year 4 BSL Practice
In Year 4 this week, during our collective worship, we have been practicing Joy of the Holy Spirit, using British Sign Language. We have learned about the power that we receive from the Holy Spirit and discussed how we can share it with others, including those who aren’t able to hear or perhaps…
Year3 pupil prayer and liturgy -
Adalyn, Mia and Ivy have been very thoughtful when preparing their Prayer and Liturgy today. They asked it on The Baptism of Jesus and God proclaiming his love for Jesus as his ‘Beloved Son’.
Adalyn and Mia write their own prayer, then asked the rest of the class to write a prayer too. Ivy…
Cricket Coaching Y6 2025
Year 6 have been perfecting their cricket skills of batting and bowling then putting it into practice during a match.
Football coach in Reception
This half term, Reception have a football coach each week. This week we have been learning how to control a ball using little kicks and how to pass it to a member of our team. Great start Reception!
Nursery: Letter formation
This week in Nursery we have had a go at using the paint program on mini mash to practice our letter formation. The children had a go at looking for the first letter of their name before having a go and writing it.
we had lots of fun using the iPad and paint program to practise!
Exploring Our Place in the World and Our Capital City
Year 2 have been using Google Earth and atlases to see where they live in the World. They found the continent they live in and the country before looking up where Egremont and London are. They spent some time finding about the differences between them and going on a virtual helicopter ride to see…
Laudato Si Group Organise Use of Recyclable Glue Sticks
The Laudato Si group was shocked to discover that around 2,000 glue sticks from each school end up in landfill sites every year. In response, we reached out to Mrs. Smith to propose the use of recyclable glue sticks. We're pleased to share that all the glue has arrived, and we're excited to start…
Year 2 Cricket Skills Session 2025
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their first cricket session of the term with Matthew. They worked on improving their throwing and catching of the ball before learning how to hold the cricket bat to strike the ball. The session ended with the children working in small groups to hit the stumps with the…
Fabulous Fundraiser
Ella is cutting her hair to donate to the Little Princess Trust Charity. She is looking for as many sponsors as possible to help her to raise money for this Charity. It helps to support children suffering with cancer.
Well done Ella, a very kind thing to do. She has been growing her hair…
Year 3 practice their Cricket Skills 2025
We have some excellent cricketers in Year 3.
Year 4 Cricket
Year 4 have had a brilliant start to our Spring Term. This week in PE we have been practicing multi skills and cricket. In cricket we have been honing our hand-eye coordination by bowling the ball properly, batting and catching.