Tantalizing Tortilla Quiche
Year 2 have been learning about the benefits of protein in their diet and that eggs are a great source of protein. The children thoroughly enjoyed making tortilla quiche using their new found cutting skills. What a delicious treat they had when they were cooked!
Year 2 Celebrating St Bridget’s Day 2025
Year 2 have spent some time learning about their school saint St Bridget. They found out about her life and how she came to build a monastery. They found out that houses in Ireland would have a cross as they enter the house to help protect it and those who live in there. Catholics would say St…
Making Jam Jar Salad in Year 2 2025
In Design Technology our Year 2 children have been finding about the difference between processed and unprocessed food including which is healthier for them. Then they learned how to cut food using a claw grip and a bridge grip. They took great care when cutting the fruit and vegetables needed to…
Reindeer Run Awards
The whole school was visited by the lady from the Jigsaw charity to inform 5em of how much they had raised as a school from the Reindeer Run they ran in December. They were very proud of their achievement and to receive their medals and certificates.
Launching the Jubilee Year of Hope 2025 in Year 2
Year 2 have marked the launch of the Jubilee Year of Hope by coming to school dressed in their favourite colours. The children began the day by taking part in a prayer and liturgy based on the Jubilee Year of Hope and sang the ‘Pilgrim Calypso’ to praise God and celebrate the Jubilee. They learned…
Year 2 Wheelchair Basketball Session 2025
Year 2 enjoyed taking part in a wheelchair basketball session. The session began with them learning how to manoeuvre their wheelchairs so they could play a short game. The children were very competitive and worked well as a team to score points in the opposition’s net. What a wonderful experience…
Year 1 and Year 2 Multiskills Event January 2025
Some of our Year 1 and 2 children represented us at a Multiskills event at Whitehaven Academy yesterday. They took part in a variety of activities. They behaved impeccably and showed all the values of school games. We are immensely proud of them all.
Using Space in PE
Year 2 have been working on how to manoeuvre within a space safely and be aware of those around them. The children are growing in confidence when dribbling and passing a ball, in a space, to each other using their feet. They cannot wait to use their honed skills in future lessons to participate in…
Exploring Our Place in the World and Our Capital City
Year 2 have been using Google Earth and atlases to see where they live in the World. They found the continent they live in and the country before looking up where Egremont and London are. They spent some time finding about the differences between them and going on a virtual helicopter ride to see…
Year 2 Cricket Skills Session 2025
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their first cricket session of the term with Matthew. They worked on improving their throwing and catching of the ball before learning how to hold the cricket bat to strike the ball. The session ended with the children working in small groups to hit the stumps with the…
Year 2 Reindeer Run 2024
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed taking part in their first Reindeer Run for the charity Jigsaw Cumbria’s Children’s Hospice. They had lots of fun running and singing with their friends while thinking about the children who are not so fortunate and will benefit from the money raised. A wonderful way to…
Y2 Christmas Lunch 2024
Our Year 2 children enjoyed the most delicious Christmas lunch together while pulling crackers and listening to Christmas music.