Y1 Celebrate Chinese New Year
Year 1 have enjoyed learning all about Chinese New Year. We researched about the traditions, enjoyed making lanterns and writing instructions. We even managed some Kung Fu P.E. and learnt how to say "Hello". Amelia found out how to write her name in Chinese and then we all had a go. Great work…
Y1 The Snail and The Whale
Year One has enjoyed lots of activities linked to Julia Donaldson’s The Snail and The Whale. They created story maps of the original story and then created their own versions. We worked hard to spot all the rhyming words and then chose our own rhyming words to go in our own stories. We created…
Y1 Practical Maths at Home
Year 1 are using a range of resources to support their Maths learning at home. It’s amazing what you can use in the house to help you learn. We were amazed to find how many 3D shapes exist in our homes. To help us make tens and ones we found Lego to be really helpful. Pasta, chocolate,…
Y1 Captain Sir Tom Moore Tributes and Prayers
Year 1 talked about the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore in their daily Zoom lesson. We wanted to pay tribute to this wonderful man. The children created pictures, prayers and words of thanks to celebrate his life and contribution to our country.
Y1 What makes you happy?
As part of Mental Health Awareness Week we asked Year 1 to think about What makes you happy?
Year 1 responded by sending in photos to show the range of things that make them feel happy. We chatted in our Zoom lesson to explain more. The children spoke of having brothers and sisters to play with…
Phunky Fit with Year 1
This week at Phunky Fit club we made a fruit salad. We enjoyed tasting different fruits then chose our favourites to put in our own fruit salad. We learned how to use the knives safely to cut each fruit.
Rain Dance
Year One have had a great time this week focussing on the story ‘Bring the Rain to Kapiti Plain’. We looked at the weather in the story and decided we would help end the drought by making our own rain dance to the music. Sorry for all the rain since- oops!!
Gymnastics in Year One
Year One have enjoyed learning gymnastics today. We looked at different positions for our body to be in and learned the technical names for them. We are looking forward to learning a routine soon.