Lenten Leaves Y5
As part of their work on Lent year 5 thought about something they have done that they were sorry for and wrote it down on one side of the leaf. When they had finished they turned the leaf over and wrote about something good they could do for Lent. In taking part in this activity they turned over a…
Lent in Year 2
Year 2 have been learning about how Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts for 40 days. They found out about the significance of the ashes being placed on the forehead and what Christians do during the period of Lent to prepare for Easter. The children made posters to tell others what Christians…
Y1 Kindness Challenge
Year One are taking part in a Kindness Challenge during Lent. We have decided to try to help others during this time. The children have created jars or envelopes to put all their acts of kindness into. When Lent is over they will be able to look back to see just how kind they have been. We…
Year 4 R.E.
Year 4 produced some informative leaflets about the parish.
Odd socks and rainbows
This week we started the week wearing odd socks! This was to kick start our learning about bullying for anti bullying week! The odd socks told us that it’s ok to be different and to be proud just to be ourselves! Mrs Bear celebrated her big birthday and we helped her to celebrate with lots of…
Praying the Rosary at home
May is the month of Mary and is traditionally a time when Catholics pray the Rosary together at home. Year 2 learned about what the Rosary is and took part in praying it at home with their families.
Y3 Explore the Mysteries
Year 3 have been learning about the Mysteries whilst praying the Holy Rosary.
All schools pray the Rosary
I hope that this clip is helpful in explaining to your children: How do we pray the Rosary?
Year 4 Prayer & Liturgy
Children planned and delivered our Prayer and Liturgy this morning.
Y5 Prayer &Liturgy
Our theme for Prayer and Liturgy this week was ‘Friendship’. Our leaders chose a reading from John 15: 15 and made paper hearts to remind us to show love to one
Acts of Kindness Y4
Year 4 have been learning about how to share God’s love and friendship as part of their Advent preparations. They carried out random acts of kindness in the local community by handing out sweets and chocolates alongside messages of love and friendship.
Year 2 Nativity Play
Year 2 performed a brand new play called ‘Higgledy Piggledy Nativity’. We are very proud of them for putting on a truly amazing performance. Their family and friends thoroughly enjoyed every minute.