Year 2 Nativity 2024
Our Year 2 performed ‘Higgledy Piggledy Nativity’ beautifully in both their dress rehearsal and the show for their families. They sang wonderfully and shone like the stars they are. We are immensely proud of them all.
Reception’s Nativity show 2024
Our Reception children did an amazing job of performing their class Nativity, ‘Little Blue Star’. Well done!
Year 5 and 6 Advent Service
Yesterday, Year 5 and 6 attended an Advent Service with other local Catholic schools at St. Mary’s Church in Cleator. Each school performed a Christmas carol and read a passage from the Bible. We delivered an incredible rendition of "Maranatha," with every child pouring their heart and soul into…
Collective worship in Reception
In Reception this week we have been taking part in our collective worship around the theme of ‘Love’. The children shared who they loved and lit their candle, representing Jesus as the light of the world. Some of the children then chose to use our prayer area to say their own prayers.
Nursery: RE Welcome Topic
This half term in RE we have been talking about how we welcome people. First we discussed how we are welcomed into Nursery in a morning. Then we discussed how we might welcome a new baby home and what they need. Finally, we learnt about how people are welcomed into God’s family through baptism in…
Year 5 and 6 Attend Mass
Today Year 5 and 6 attended mass. They learnt that today is the feast of Saint Cecilia. In the Middle Ages, Saint Cecilia became a very popular saint. She is remembered as the patron of musicians, composers, instrument makers, and poets. There is a story that Saint Cecilia was said to have heard…
Making Miraculous Medals
In R.E. Year. 2 have been learning about the visitation, when Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth after learning they were both to give birth. The children listened to the Magnificat, in Luke’s gospel, Mary’s song of joy at being chose by God to be Jesus’s mother. The children learned about…
Rosh Hashanah Y6 2024
Year 6 have been learning about Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year festival, and how it is celebrated. They learned that Rosh Hashanah is a celebration of our world and is an opportunity to make a fresh start. We enjoyed the traditional food of Rosh Hashanah, slices of apple dipped in honey which…
Great North Air Ambulance Visiting Speaker in Year 5
This academic year Year 5 will be fundraising for the Great North Air Ambulance. Today we had a visitor from the charity to tell us all about it. We learnt that in our area an air ambulance is never more than 25 minutes away. We were all astounded to hear that this year it will cost £9. 3 million…
Prayer and Liturgy in Year 5
A group of year 5 children planned and organised Prayer and Liturgy. As it is November when we celebrate the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls the focus was remembering those we have loved and lost. The children read from the bible and listened to some quiet music in order to give them time to…
Advent Wreaths in Reception
Reception have been learning about the Advent Wreath. They found out that ‘Advent’ means getting ready for Christmas and that the Advent Wreath is used in church to to count down to Christmas by lighting the candles. They found out about the different coloured candles used and their meaning.…
Remembrance Day in Y6 2024
This morning we observed two minutes of silence in remembrance of those who lost their lives in the two world wars.