Year 3 Mark Ascension Day
Year 3 learnt all about Ascension Day and did some wonderful illustrations.
Celebrating St. George’s Day
St. George is our Class Saint! We have celebrated today listening and learning about St. George. We loved the story about him slaying the dragon and rescuing the Princess. We thought about dragons and wrote lots of different adjectives to describe a dragon. We made crowns and St. George’s…
Y5 Easter Prayer and Liturgy
Some of our Y5 girls acted out the story of the crucifixion in Prayer and Liturgy. We all had time to think about the sacrifice Jesus made for us and reflected on sacrifices we make in our lives for others.
Holy Week activities in Reception
During Lent we have thought about how we can grow more like Jesus, so we have been even kinder to each other and more helpful.
This week we listened to the Story of Palm Sunday and The Last Supper. We cut out palm leaves and tried really hard to improve our cutlery skills! We have…
The Year of St. Joseph Year 5
Year 5 have written prayers to St. Joseph to help us appreciate all our key workers. We will say each prayer daily during the Year of St. Joseph.
Y1 Celebrate St. Joseph’s Day
On Friday 19th March we celebrated St. Joseph’s day. We all wore red because it’s a special colour associated with St. Joseph. We enjoyed a break time Jammie Dodger which went down a treat. We had fun learning some facts about St. Joseph’s life. In the afternoon we created paper lilies, we…
Year 3 enjoy St. Joseph’s Day
Year 3 enjoyed making Shrines to St. Joseph, praying to him and researching his life online. They ended the day munching on Italian breadsticks and eating mozzarella cheese.
Y1 Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
Year 1 enjoyed learning all about St. Patrick the Patron saint of Ireland. We enjoyed researching then writing facts about St.Patrick inside shamrocks. We created some super spiral snakes because they are in his story. We learnt how people around the world celebrate the feast of St. Patrick…
The Year of Saint Joseph 2020-2021
Year 4’s class saint is St Joseph which is celebrated on March 19th each year but Pope Francis proclaimed that we celebrate a Year of St Joseph. Today we learned about Saint Joseph and about why the Pope admires him. We also researched the different ways that the feast of St Joseph is celebrated…
Celebrating St Joseph’s Day
St Joseph was a carpenter so today Year 4 were working with wood to make a Star of Bethlehem. They learned that carpentry requires the use of different skills, an understanding of safety and a lot of concentration. They also discovered that having an extra pair of helping hands is very useful.
Celebrating the Feast Day of St. Joseph
On 19th March the people of Italy honour and give thanks to St. Joseph, the patron Saint of Workers. As 2021 has been declared the Year of St. Joseph, we too have celebrated St. Joseph. We all wore red. As he was a Carpenter, we have built with wood, dressed up as St. Joseph, made models with…